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"You told me that once before, a long time ago, you know." "And you have not forgotten?" "No. I you see I didn't want to forget." Had it been August, or even July, doubtless a great number of vacationists would have been somewhat shocked at what Decatur did then.

It was all right for pleasure seekers and vacationists, but business men were in a hurry. The pilot of the machine glanced briefly at the instruments, wondered vaguely why he had to be there at all, then turned, and leaving the pilot room in charge of his assistant, went down to talk with the chief engineer.

And this particular scout was good at arithmetic. At least he was able to put two and two together.... The ten forty-seven train out of New York went thundering up the shore of the lordly Hudson packed and jammed with its surging throng of vacationists who had turned themselves into sardines in order to enjoy a breath of fresh air.

Some years before, when vacationists demanded less in the way of amusement, Hamstead had flourished in a mild way as a summer-resort; but its brief day of prosperity in this respect had passed, and the advent of a wealthy and mysterious stranger, whose mail was larger than that of all the rest of the population put together, but who never appeared in public, or even spoke, apparently, in private, threw the entire village into a ferment of excitement.

But she seldom walked anywhere on the trails and, never alone, and she never climbed the mountains and never rode a horse. Morrison arrived and added his attentions to those of other men. Carley neither accepted nor repelled them. She favored the association with married couples and older people, and rather shunned the pairing off peculiar to vacationists at summer hotels.

A boy was unfastening their boat, and he placed the oars in the locks just as the girls reached the water's edge. "Don't tip," cautioned Julia. "We could at least get wet, even in this shallow water." Grace and Margaret took the oars, and soon the crabbing party was gliding out among the few vacationists who were taking advantage of the pleasant afternoon on the water. "Oh, look!" exclaimed Cleo.

Neither the lumber business, nor the leasing of camp sites and bungalows to Summer vacationists and Fall hunters, paid. The matter got into the courts and I had myself named as receiver, so I could better look after my interest. Now I don't know just what I am going to do, except that I want some one up there to see to things.

The women went to the city to sell the fish, the men sailed about in their boats with triangular sails, or tugged at their nets on the beach; we summer vacationists spent the day sleeping and the night at the doors of our houses, contemplating the phosphorescence of the waves or slapping ourselves here and there whenever we heard the buzz of a mosquito, that scourge of our resting hours.

Any young man of energy would be ashamed to stay, unless he wanted to keep a boarding-house or live on the city vacationists in summer. If he doesn't, he goes West and takes up some of the new land, and comes back in middle-life and buys a deserted farm to spend his summers on." "Dear me!" said the Altrurian. "Is it so simple as that?

Later on the popular big seashore resort would seethe with vacationists. They would crowd the hotels, over-flow the board walk, cover the sands, and polka-dot the ocean. But in June the sands would be deserted, the board walk untrod, the hotels empty. And so it was.