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"No, don't praise me," said honest Lady Clavering, "it's all the upholsterer's doings and Captain Strong's, they did it all while we was at the Park and and Lady Rockminster has been here and says the salongs are very well," said Lady Clavering, with an air and tone of great deference. "My cousin Laura has been staying with her," Pen said. "It's not the dowager: it is the Lady Rockminster."

"We had it, but we're out of it now. You'll get that goods at an upholsterer's." I went across the street to an upholsterer's. "Have you any stuff like this?" I asked. "No," said the salesman, "we haven't. Is it for furniture?" "Yes," I replied. "Then Turkey red is what you want." "Is Turkey red just like this?" I asked. "No," said he; "but it's much better."

Why, even the downs are easy, yes, easy as one of the upholsterer's armchairs of the villa residences. And the aspect of the county tallies exactly with the state of soul of its people.

The upholsterer's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, Glances from ceiling to floor, from floor to ceiling; And, as imagination bodies forth The form of things unknown, th' upholsterer's pencil Turns to shape and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a NAME. Of the value of a NAME no one could be more sensible than Mr. Soho.

Towards the close of the month she had an attack so alarming that he was summoned; but before, he had time to arrive she had expired, on the 1st of August, in a fit of rage brought on by reading an upholsterer's bill. On the way Byron heard the intelligence, and wrote to Dr. Pigot: "I now feel the truth of Gray's observation, that we can only have one mother. Peace be with her!"

It is said that his mother's death was occasioned by a fit of rage, brought on by reading the upholsterer's bills. When the first canto of "Childe Harold" was published, Byron presented the copyright to Mr. Dallas, declaring that he would never receive money for his writings, a resolution which he afterwards wisely abandoned.

This afternoon, going through London, and calling at Crowe's the upholsterer's in Saint Bartholomew's, I saw limbs of some of our new traytors set upon Aldersgate, which was a sad sight to see; and a bloody week this and the last have been, there being ten hanged, drawn, and quartered. 21st.

He was, moreover, a man of imposing deportment, bland in manner and ornate in language. As riches increased he set his heart upon them and upon the good things that riches buy. Each child had a suite of three rooms. Each apartment was elaborately decorated and furnished. The drawing-rooms were crowded with bric-a-brac and monuments of the upholsterer's ingenuity.

Redmain's had not harmony, it had gilding a regular upholsterer's drawing-room it was, on which about as much taste had been expended as on the fattening of a prize-pig. Happily there is as little need as temptation to give any description of it, with its sheets of glass and steel, its lace curtains, crude-colored walls and floor and couches, and glittering chandeliers of a thousand prisms.

"Furniture!" snorted Melrose. "Have you any idea, sir, what this house contains?" Undershaw shook his head. Melrose pondered a moment, and took breath. Then he turned to Undershaw. "You are going back to Pengarth? You pass that shop, Barclay's the upholsterer's. Tell him to send me over four men here to-morrow, to do what they're told. Stop also at the nurseryman's Johnson's. No I'll write.