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Next, in its turn, and exactly a fortnight before the beginning of the term at which Rosalie was to join the boarding school in London, came the letter from Uncle Tom in India, and with it the beginning of the second upheaval in the chain of upheavals. All of this upheaval was very bewildering to Rosalie. She never understood it properly.

There was no sham in her words, and Dic, recognizing the fact, released her at once and she walked sullenly to a chair. According to the rude etiquette of the time, she had insulted him. There had been so many upheavals in the game that the trouble between Dic and Rita brought it to a close. Dic was wounded, and poor Rita felt that now she had driven him from her forever.

Upheavals or subsidences of shores or sea-bottoms, involving deviations of marine currents, remove the habitats of many species to which such currents are salutary or injurious; and further, this redistribution of currents alters the places of sedimentary deposits, and thus stops the burying of organic remains in some localities, while commencing it in others.

The different species often waged titanic battles with one another for the supremacy of the earth. It is conjectured that their disappearance was due to violent upheavals of the earth, to the draining of the water, to changes of climate, and to deprivation of suitable food.

It was the first explanation of men as a race apart from women that Rosalie had ever received and it precisely bore out all that she had conceived about them. It affirmed her perception of the wonder and greatness of men as compared with women. It intensified that perception. Wonderful men! Marvellous and most fortunate men! And then the chain of most startling upheavals began.

As this great geologic change slowly advanced through its long history of earthquakes, volcanic disturbances, minor upheavals and subsidences as the extent of the archipelago became greater and its smaller islands coalesced into larger ones, while its coast-line grew still longer and more varied, and the neighbouring sea more thickly inhabited by inferior forms of life; the lowest division of the vertebrata would begin to be represented.

Nothing is clearer in the Acts of the Apostles than that the disciples after Pentecost had success in gospel service. Everywhere they went God rained fire upon their Word and sanctioned the truth which they preached by tremendous moral and spiritual upheavals.

In the presence of this marvel, wars, elections, economic upheavals, the high cost of living, prohibition, all "that unrest which men miscall delight" fade into insignificance. Life itself seems a small and pitiful thing. You are face to face with a force of Nature that is titanic, terrifying, and irresistible.

At the beginning of the first century B.C.E., however, Rome, having emerged triumphant from a series of civil struggles in her own dominions, found herself compelled to take an active part in the affairs of the East. During her temporary eclipse there had been violent upheavals in Asia.

We think you need a change of thought as well as that young woman herself." They all sat and waited for what was coming, quite unable to guess what proposition he was going to make. "Helen and Roger are somewhat older and stand such upheavals a little better than you girls, so my plan doesn't include them." "Just us three?" asked Ethel Brown. "Just you three. Here's my scheme; see if you like it.