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He had a thirst for the sign of her confessing to it. He looked. Something like a petrifaction of her wildest face was shown. Carinthia's eyes were hard out on a scattered knot of children down the street. She gathered up her skirts. Without a word to him, she ran, and running shouted to the little ones around and ahead: 'In! in! indoors, children! "Blant, i'r ty!"

"I remember, sir, when your honour led out two companies of ours, with one of the Royal Irish, a major's command, of good rights, to observe the left flank of the French, the evening before we stormed the enemy's works at Ty " "Your memory is beginning to fail you, Joyce," interrupted the captain, smiling.

Madelaine turned to stone and began: "I-n, een, d-e, de-, inde-, indefat-, indefat fat f-a-t, fat, indefat, indefatty, i, ty, indefati-, indefatiga-, g-a, ga, indefatiga-, indefatigabilly, b-i-elly, billy, indefatigabili-, t-y, ty, indefatigability." "O, Madelaine, my chile, you make yo' teacher proud! prah-ood, my chile!"

The poet's grave is in Trinity Church, at Stratford, beneath a stone slab in the floor bearing these lines: "Good friend, for Jesus' sake, forbear To digg the dust enclosed here. Blest be ye man y spares these stones, And curst be he ty moves my bones." On the wall, just at hand, is a bust made from a cast taken after his death.

She did not understand me, for shaking her head she said that she had no English, and was rather deaf. Raising my voice to a very high tone I said: "Ty Gronwy!" A gleam of intelligence flashed now in her eyes. "Ty Gronwy," she said, "ah! I understand. Come in sir."

A smiling young woman opened it, of whom I asked the name of the house. "Ty Nant the House of the Dingle," she replied. "Do you live alone?" said I. "No; mother lives here." "Any Saesneg?" "No," said she with a smile, "S'sneg of no use here." Her face looked the picture of kindness. I was now indeed in Wales amongst the real Welsh. I went on some way.

"What is the name of this house?" said I, pointing to the building. "The name of it," said the old man, "is Ty Mawr." "Do you live in it?" said I. "Yes, I live in it." "What waterfall is that?" said I, pointing to the torrent tumbling down the crag at the farther end of the gloomy vale. "The fountain of the Royal Dyfi." "Why do you call the Dyfy royal?" said I.

Our decision was soon reached, and our preparations made. By packing and shouldering his knapsack, and arming himself, each man would be ready; though a short delay grew out of the absence of Traverse and his chain-bearers. We wrote a letter, however, explaining the reason of our intended absence, promising to return as soon as the operations in front of Ty should be terminated.

"To say the truth to you, Major Duncan, this girl is making as much havoc in the garrison as the French did before Ty: I never witnessed so general a rout in so short a time!" "Surely, Davy, you don't mean to persuade me that your young and unsophisticated heart is in such a flame, after one week's ignition?

Besydis all this, they ar sa crewall in taking of revenge that nather have they regard to person, eage, tyme, or caus; sa ar they generallie all sa far addictit to thair awin ty rannicall opinions that, in all respects, they exceed in creweltie the maist barbarous people that ever hes bene sen the begynning of the warld." "Upon my word," said the honest major, "it is a most formidable indictment.