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All day Friday she watched the hills' road. Not until the orchestra in the lodge beyond the hedge had begun tunelessly to strum their instruments, to insure their later tunefulness, did she reluctantly abandon her position at the window. But then, from his chair at the fire, Caleb noticed how wistfully disappointed her face was.

After a while Big Medicine began bellowing tunelessly that old ditty, once popular but now half forgotten: "Nava, Nava, My Navaho-o I have a love for you that will grow-ow!" Which stirred old Applehead to an irritated monologue upon the theme of certain persons whose ignorance is not blissful, but trouble-inviting.

"But, I presume, she's befriended him. And and continues to befriend him since that's the word." He avoided her eyes, looking up the street and whistling tunelessly beneath his breath. "I said continues to befriend him," she repeated. The tuneless whistling went on. She allowed him time to get the full effect of her meaning.

A cheerful darkey went by the house, loudly and tunelessly whistling some broken thoughts upon women, fried food and gin; then a group of high school boys, returning homeward after important initiations, were heard skylarking along the sidewalk, rattling sticks on the fences, squawking hoarsely, and even attempting to sing in the shocking new voices of uncompleted adolescence.

I see the public ain't lending to the Lord very fast to-night." "In this kind of weather," said the young man, "charity avails itself of the proverb, and both begins and ends at home." And the Preacher and his vehement lieutenant struck up a last hymn of petition to Providence and man. Those of the Bed Liners whose windpipes still registered above 32 degrees hopelessly and tunelessly joined in.

"I can't find out anything, though, unless I get into the building over a period of time. As a woman, I can't very well apply to study barbering." "No," said Scion. "I see your problem." He turned to a filing cabinet, unlocked it and searched through it, whistling tunelessly. He found a folder, pulled it out and studied it. "If it is, they've certainly kept it well covered," he said.

Suddenly she lifted her chin and began to sing on notes too high for her, and tunelessly, as sign of her defiance, and the words of her song dealt with the dreariness of the moor and her determination to escape from it; but in the midst of them she laughed delightedly. "I'm an idiot! Uncle Alfred's coming. But if he fails me" she kicked the basket and ran after it "I'll do that to him!"

Monteriano was sad without her; the rain was thickening; the scraps of Donizetti floated tunelessly out of the wineshops, and of the great tower opposite he could only see the base, fresh papered with the advertisements of quacks. A man came up the street with a note. Philip read, "Start at once. Pick me up outside the gate. Pay the bearer. "Did the lady give you this note?" he cried.

There was an unbending, too, when we used to sing together, in my case very tunelessly.

Willie whistled tunelessly through his teeth; Macgregor kept his jaw set and occasionally and inadvertently kicked a loose stone. Down on the main road an electric car bound for Glasgow hove in sight. Simultaneously they started to run. After a few paces they pulled up, as though suddenly conscious of unseemliness, and resumed their sober pace and lost the car.