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"The duchesse!" they cried. "Yes, gentlemen; who comes to save you from your embarrassments. What the Hebrews could not do, Judith did; hope, then, gentlemen, for I also have my plan;" and she disappeared through the same door as her brother. "Tudieu!" cried Bussy Leclerc; "I believe that is the man of the family." "Oh!" murmured Nicholas Poulain, "I wish I were out of all this."

Thank God, we have a little time before us! I confess I wish that it were all over. I am not fitted for violent emotions; they affect my health," he added, taking M. de Beauvau's arm. "Tell us if the Spanish women are still pretty, young man. It is said you are a great gallant among them. 'Tudieu'! I'm sure you've got yourself talked of there. They tell me the women wear enormous petticoats.

Gaston explained. "Of our own species? Tudieu!" said his father, looking up. "Surely it's infinitely fresher and more amusing for me to marry an American. There's a sad want of freshness there's even a provinciality in the way we've Gallicised." "Against Americans I've nothing to say; some of them are the best thing the world contains. That's precisely why one can choose.

Thank God, we have a little time before us! I confess I wish that it were all over. I am not fitted for violent emotions; they affect my health," he added, taking M. de Beauvau's arm. "Tell us if the Spanish women are still pretty, young man. It is said you are a great gallant among them. 'Tudieu'! I'm sure you've got yourself talked of there. They tell me the women wear enormous petticoats.

Tudieu! how the 'Belle-Poule' kept close to the wind that day when Oh!" he cried, interrupting himself, "we shall have a change of weather; my ears are buzzing, and I feel the pain in my ribs!

"I did so." "Tudieu! my friend, what fine things you will do!" "How do you mean?" "Why, these fortifications are admirable." "Is that your opinion?" "Decidedly it is. In truth, to anything but a regular siege, Belle-Isle is absolutely impregnable." Porthos rubbed his hands. "That is my opinion," said he. "But who the devil has fortified this paltry little place in this manner?"

"Well, then, believe me when I tell you that Madame Evangelista, her notary, and her daughter, are tricking us through thick and thin; they are more than clever. Tudieu! what a sly game!" "Not Natalie," cried Paul. "I sha'n't put my fingers between the bark and the tree," said the old man. "You want her, take her!

"I did so." "Tudieu! my friend, what fine things you will do!" "How do you mean?" "Why, these fortifications are admirable." "Is that your opinion?" "Decidedly it is. In truth, to anything but a regular siege, Belle-Isle is absolutely impregnable." Porthos rubbed his hands. "That is my opinion," said he. "But who the devil has fortified this paltry little place in this manner?"

Thank God, we have a little time before us! I confess I wish that it were all over. I am not fitted for violent emotions; they affect my health," he added, taking M. de Beauvau's arm. "Tell us if the Spanish women are still pretty, young man. It is said you are a great gallant among them. 'Tudieu'! I'm sure you've got yourself talked of there. They tell me the women wear enormous petticoats.

Something soft and furry sprang into my lap. It was Pompon, Le Brusquet's ape, and he looked into my face with soft, melancholy eyes. "Poor little beast!" and I stroked him. "You at least build no pyramids of cards." "Tudieu!" said a voice, "that is true, but for pulling them down he has no equal." And Le Brusquet appeared at the window, which opened out upon the balcony. I rose and came in.