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There was an unconscious contempt in the captain's voice, which the keen lawyer was quick to recognize, but did not care to resent. His client was too valuable to risk a breach with, so he merely tightened his jaws, and waited for the captain to begin. At this juncture in the interview the captain got up quickly from the locker on which he had been seated.

It will become a fixed mannerism, and a bad one, for the hands are thus concealed, the shoulders and head may droop forward, and the hands may be so tightened together behind the back as to cause nervous tension in the body and in the voice. The hands should be in place ready for expressive action. The back is not such a place.

The Daniel Webster picture in its black carved frame was just behind him and the somber vision in the living and the pictured eyes was identical. "Can't you see what a fool you are!" he shouted. "The land can never go back to the Indians. John took good care of that. If you don't take it, somebody else will. Can't you see!" Lydia's lips tightened. "That's not the point.

A length of his own infallible fishing line was twisted and tightened twice round his throat and then twice round the wooden prop behind him. The leading investigator ran forward and touched the fisherman's hand, and it was as cold as a fish. "The sun has set," said Horne Fisher, in the same terrible tones, "and he will never see it rise again."

"Well, Wallstein will give us a fat dinner to-night, and you can moralize with lime-light effects after the foie gras, Barry." Closing the door slowly behind his friend, whom he had passed into the hands of the dark-browed Krool, Byng turned again to his desk. As he did so he caught sight of his face in the mirror over the mantel-piece. A shadow swept over it; his lips tightened.

"Shall a man need an invitation to his own house, my son?" he said at last. The arrogant lips of the young man tightened; he tossed up his head. "The house is mine. I am the master here. You are an outlaw." "An outlaw no longer," answered the old man, "for the Protector has granted me again the home of which I was cruelly dispossessed."

As he had shaken hands with Lavender, Lavender had said to him, "Well, we shall soon be back in Borva again to see you;" and the old man had merely tightened the grip of his hand as he left.

I don't know as uncle Nathan was conscious of it, but Salina's hand certainly tightened around his plump fingers. "You were kind to her, and I want to thank you for it." "Her! Who are you talking about?" "Our Anna. The night has put me so in mind of her. I've been talking about her to little Mary all the evening, and now let me thank you, for you were always good to Anna."

Nearer now they were in front of the entrance All at once, the lady thrust a spur into her horse as he was slackening his pace in obedience to her tightened rein. "To the goldsmiths' first," she ordered. "On our way back " Her words were lost on the frosty wind. The master of the first booth in the row of wretched little stalls was humped with steaming breath over a brazier of glowing coals.

If you do so, there is no quarrel between us. I merely ask you to take it back." He halted expectant; but there was no answer, Craig's lips were twitching uncontrollably, but he did not speak. Just perceptibly the Indian shifted forward in his seat, just perceptibly the long brown fingers tightened on his pony's mane. "Will you not take it back?" he asked. Once more the white man's lip twitched.