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She's a strornary pretty beggar-wench, with blue eyes and black hair, as used to stand at the corner of Essex Street, Strand, and the money as that gal got a-holdin' out her matches and a-sayin' texes out of the Bible must ha' been strornary. So the Essex Street Beauty's bin about here agin on the rainy-night dodge, 'es she?

"Aye, aye, that's the way wi' thee: thee allays makes a peck o' thy own words out o' a pint o' the Bible's. I donna see how thee't to know as 'take no thought for the morrow' means all that. An' when the Bible's such a big book, an' thee canst read all thro't, an' ha' the pick o' the texes, I canna think why thee dostna pick better words as donna mean so much more nor they say.

I comed by the gal 'onest enough, an' she never comed to no 'arm through me, less mendin' 'er does for 'er, and bringin' 'er to London, and bein' a mother to 'er, an' givin' 'er a few baskets an' matches to sell is a-doin' 'er any 'arm. An' as to beggin' she would beg, she loved to beg an' say texes. 'Old kidnapper! I cried, maddened by the visions that came upon me.

A merry touch to keep a person's spirits up when she's away from home eh, Philip?" and Pete appealed to him with a nudge at his writing elbow. Philip gave no sign. With a look of stupor he was staring down at the paper as he wrote. Pete puffed and went on "'Cæsar's at it still, going through the Bible same as a trawl-boat, fishing up the little texes.

Reay sez 'Twitt, ye're better than any parson I ever 'eerd! An' I believe 'e is 'e's got real 'art an' feelin' for Scripter texes, an' sez 'em just as solemn as though 'e was carvin' 'em on tombstones. It's powerful movin'!" Mary kept a grave face, but said nothing. "An' last Sunday," went on Mrs. Twitt, encouraged, "Mr. Reay hisself read us a chapter o' the New Tesymen, an' 'twas fine!

'Gate or steele-hoile, it's narro'; and that's enugh for me, an' it were noan us ut made it narro'; it wur th' Almeety Hissel', replied Clogs. 'At any rate, He made it wide enough for Amanda, said Dr. Hale, 'and that is the matter we are now considering. 'I'm noan so sure o' that, doctor. There's a good bit o' Scripter agen yo' if yo' come to texes.