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Updated: December 31, 2024
Shortly after the commencement of the iron age, the lake-habitations were abandoned, the only settlement of this later epoch yet discovered being that at Tene, on Lake Neufchatel: and it is a remarkable circumstance, showing the great antiquity of the lake-dwellings, that they are not mentioned by any of the Roman historians.
"That ever his soule be in blysse, He holpe me out of my tene; Ne had not be his kyndenesse, Beggers had we ben." The story wanders on, through pages of verse like the above, but we may fitly end it with a page of prose. The old singers are somewhat prolix; it behooves us to be brief. A twelvemonth passed. The day fixed by the knight to repay his friend of the merry greenwood came.
When the nightingalë sings the woodës waxen green; Leaf and grass and blossom spring in Averil, I ween, And love is to my hertë gone with a spear so keen, Night and day my blood it drinks, my hertë doth me tene. Others are love plaints to "Alysoun" or some other lady whose "name is in a note of the nightingale;" whose eyes are as gray as glass, and her skin as "red as rose on ris."
And that was the same spear that Longius smote our Lord to the heart; and King Pellam was nigh of Joseph's kin, and that was the most worshipful man that lived in those days, and great pity it was of his hurt, for through that stroke, turned to great dole, tray and tene. Then departed Balin from Merlin, and said, In this world we meet never no more.
This type derives it name from the striking specimens of it that were discovered at La Tene on the shore of Lake Neuchatel, and in the extensive cemeteries of the Marne valley, the burials of which cover a period of from 350-200 B.C. It was during the third century B.C. that this characteristic culture of Gaul reached its zenith, and gave definite shape to the beautiful curved designs known as those of Late-Celtic Art.
II. IX. Registers of Magistrates II. IX. Philology Thus in his Epicharmian poems Jupiter is so called, -quod iuvat-; and Ceres, -quod gerit fruges. 69. -Rem tene, verba sequentur. II. IX. Language See the lines already quoted at III. II. The War on the Coasts of Sicily and Sardinia.
I did not mind it when they set me to haul meat from the hunters, or to trap furs for them, but now they make me saw wood, or help the blacksmith at his dirty forge: what has a 'Tene Jua' to do with such things as these?" "And I am sick of starving!" said another.
The culture of the Early Iron Age of Hallstatt had been developed in Gaul on characteristic lines of its own, resulting in the form now known as the La Tene or Marnian type.
Martial speaks of a servant carrying the Parasol: "Umbellam lusca, Lygde feras Dominæ." Juvenal mentions an Umbrella as a present: Ovid advises a lover to make himself agreeable by holding his mistress's Parasol: "Ipse tene distenta suis umbracula virgis" Ov. Ars. This shows that the Umbrella was of much the same construction as ours.
'Peril, interii, occidi quo curram? quo non curram? Tene, tene quem? quis? nescio nihil video." "Ah! Geordie, your een are sharp enough to look after gowd and silver, gems, rubies, and the like of that, and yet ye kenna how to come by them when they are lost. Ay, ay look at them, man look at them they are a' right and tight, sound and round, not a doublet crept in amongst them."
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