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When we was fairly to sea we shook hands. "'Lawd! says Hammond, drawing a long breath, 'I never was so 'appy in my life. This 'ere lady-killing business ain't in my line. "He felt so good that he set by the wheel and sung, 'Good-by, sweet'art, good-by, for an hour or more.

The morning I left England, the very last person I said good-bye to was a fair young girl, with golden hair, and a rosebud mouth, and such lovely blue " "Das right, Massa," burst in Ebony, with a crow of admiration. "It doos my bery heart good to see a man as is proud ob his sweet'art. I's got one too, bress you! but she ain't fair!

Stealing from white folks the negroes regarded as a very trifling matter, since they, the slaves, had earned everything there was: but to steal from "a po' nigger" was the meanest thing in their decalogue. "Stealin' from her beau!" sneered one negro, commenting on Little Lizay's offence. "An' her sweet'art!" said another. "An' her 'tendin' like her lubbed 'im!"

Naught in any wise partikler. Miss Vancourt 'as come 'ome to her own, an' she's 'ad a few friends from Lunnon stayin' with 'er. That's simple enough, as simple as plantains growin' in a lawn. Then Miss Vancourt's 'usband that is to be, comes down an' stays with old Blusterdash Pippitt at the 'All, in order to be near 'is sweet'art. There ain't nothin' out of the common in that.

Arbroath he he he he he he " and here the pronoun "he" developed into a long chuckle. "He's got a sweet'art on the sly, an' an' an' 'is wife's found it out! Ha-ha-ha-he-he-he! 'Is wife's found it out! That's the trouble! An' she's gone an' writ to the Bishop 'erself! Oh lor'! Never trust a woman wi' cat's eyes!

Now he should have vent for his spite against the girl. "Thutty-six lashes on yer bar' back by yer sweet'art." Mr. Buck said this with a dreadful snicker in Little Lizay's face. The word ran like wildfire from mouth to mouth that Little Lizay, the famous picker, had fallen behind, and was to be flogged by the overseer, some said by Big Sam, others declared.