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When sulphite wood pulp is to be prepared, the chips are conveyed from the chipper into hoppers in the upper part of the building. Here they are thrown into great upright iron boilers or digesters charged with lime-water and fed with the fumes of sulphur which is burned for the purpose in a furnace adjoining the building and which thus forms acid sulphide of lime.

Read his biography and learn the terrors of his formal, set entertainments to the little girls whom he patronized! They knew what to expect of him, and he never, however agreeably, disappointed them. No, unfortunately a Sulphite does not always produce sulphitic art. How many writers we know who are more interesting than their work! How many who are infinitely less so!

The zinc may be supposed to remove oxygen from the acid sulphite, NaHSO , giving hyposulphite, NaHS0 . The reduction of the acid sulphite is best performed in a cask, which can be closed at the top, so as to avoid entrance of air. The liquid is then mixed with milk of lime, and after again thoroughly stirring, the liquid is allowed to settle, and the clear is decanted into the dyeing-copper.

One is a Bromide and the other a Sulphite and this explanation illuminates the paradox. The Sulphite brings a fresh eye to life. He sees everything as if for the first time, and not through the blue glasses of convention.

One has a grim, naïf, virile humor, the other a dead, even beauty. One is hot, the other cold. The Dark Ages were sulphitic there were wild deeds then; men exploded. The Renaissance was essentially bromidic; Art danced in fetters, men looked back at the Past for inspiration and chewed the cud of Greek thought. For the Sulphite, fancy; for the Bromide, imagination.

The Bromide is reflective, and the object is thrown back unchanged, unanalyzed; it is accepted without interrogation. The mirrored bromidic mind gives back only what it has taken. To use the phraseology of Harvard and Radcliffe, the Sulphite is connotative, the Bromide denotative. But the theory is constructive rather than destructive. It makes for content, and peace.

In this, its progress has been like that of slang, which, gaining in popularity, must inevitably decrease in aptness and definiteness. In attempting to solve the problem which for so long was the despair of philosophers I have made modest use of the word "theory." But to the Sulphite, this simple, convincing, comprehensive explanation is more; it is an opinion, even a belief, if not a credo.

Thus, in determining the action of light on a particular salt, this antagonism had to be taken into account, and exposure made with such precautions that no oxidizing action could occur, as would be the case if an inorganic sensitizer, such as sulphite of soda, were used.

Talent and genius, reason and intuition, bromide and sulphite are some of the names we know them by. Arranged architecture is reasoned and artificial; produced by talent, governed by taste. Organic architecture, on the other hand, is the product of some obscure inner necessity for self-expression which is sub-conscious.

And, as the supreme test, it may be remarked that, should buttons be put on the market, bearing the names "Bromide" and "Sulphite" in blue and red, a few minutes' reflection will convince the Sulphite that, before long, all the Bromides would be wearing the red Sulphite buttons, and all the Sulphites the blue Bromide. Such is the rationale of the perverse. Bromides we may love, and even marry.