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The fact that the Leadville ore bodies are sometimes themselves excavated into chambers, which has been advanced as proof of the falsity of the theory here advocated, has no bearing on the question, as in the process of oxidation of ores which were certainly once sulphides, there has been much change of place as well as character; currents of water have flowed through them which have collected and redeposited the cerusite in sheets of "hard carbonate" or "sand carbonate," and have elsewhere produced accumulations of kerargyrite, perhaps thousands of years after the deposition of the sulphide ores had ceased and the oxidation had begun.

Possibly, but of this I have no evidence, mercury was used to retain the gold on the riffles, as previously stated. This method of saving the precious metal was known to the ancients. At a mine of which I was managing director the lode was almost entirely composed of sulphide of iron, carbonate of lime or calcspar, with a little silica.

For perfectly accurate determinations the ammoniacal solution is mixed with silver nitrate, and all the sulphur present in the state of arsenic sulphide is thrown down as silver sulphide, acidified with nitric acid, filtered, and washed. The precipitate of silver sulphide is dissolved in hot nitric acid and determined as silver chloride.

Anyway, we hammered away at the subject, only stoppin' to make coffee and sandwiches, until near two o'clock in the mornin'. "Help!" says I, glancin' at the nickel alarm clock. "My head feels like a stuffed sausage. A little more, and I won't know whether I'm a nitrous sulphide or a ferrous oxide of bromo seltzer. Let's take the rest in another dose."

I knocked it flying across her, and it smashed to flinders on the near fore wheel, drenching it and splashing over Danny's hind legs. I grabbed the reins from Paulette, and I thought of skunks, and a sulphide factory, and dead skunks and rotten sulphide at that.

Taking 200 gr. of ore from a sample assaying 17 oz. fine gold per ton, grinding it finely and heating for some hours with yellow sodium sulphide on decomposing the filtrate and treating for gold I got a result at the rate of 12 oz. per ton. This was repeated several times with the same result.

Cadmium sulphide, lead chromate and orpiment. Green Pigment. Black Pigment. Lamp black. This is one of the pigments for black lacquer, but does not give a brilliant colour, therefore it is better to prepare the black lacquer by adding iron powder or some compound of iron to the lacquer. Various mixed colours are obtained by mixing some of the above-mentioned pigments.

The neck of the retort, inclined slightly upward to allow the condensed sulpur, as it remelts, to flow back, is connected with awash bottle, B, to which is attached the flask, F, containing the solution through which it is required to pass the hydrogen sulphide; F is connected with an aspirator, A.

About one-half of the total products of combustion of black gunpowder of ordinary composition consists of potassium carbonate in a finely divided condition and of potassium sulphate, which is produced chiefly by the burning in the air of potassium sulphide, another production of combustion, as on the outrushing gases it is borne into the air in a fine state of division.

Sulphide of gold would have been produced by the action of sulphuretted hydrogen; hence probably our auriferous pyrites lodes, while silicate of gold might have resulted from a combination of gold chlorides with silicic acid, and thus the frequent presence of gold in quartz is accounted for.