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That seemed to be her impression, he thought, with a resentment which was not against her in particular, but against all young girls in general, and which did not prevent him from feeling that he would not have had it otherwise for anything in the world. He stuffed the letter into his pocket, and went in search of his father.

The once beautiful church was totally destroyed. In the square was the base of a monument upon which, before the war, stood a memorial to France's glorious dead in the war of 1870. The "kultured" Germans had destroyed the figure and, in its place, had stuck up a dummy stuffed with straw in the uniform of a French Zouave. Could ever a greater insult be shown to France!

She stuffed her fingers into her ears to shut out the sound of her brother's cries. But she had no need to do this. No sound came from the punishment chamber. For not a sound, not a cry, not even a sigh, escaped from the boy who was bearing an unmerited punishment. You will, no doubt, wonder what Napoleon's mother was doing while her little son was undergoing his unjust punishment.

This was a man of thirty or thirty-five, with strong features and the frame of a Hercules. An expression of frankness and gayety overspread his sunburnt face. Cottonade pantaloons, stuffed into a pair of dirty boots, and a vareuse of the same stuff made up his dress.

Thinking of his daughter, and smiling to himself, he lounged aimlessly about the garden; then it occurred to him to go into the stable and look at Helena's pony. After that he strolled over to the carriage- house where were stored a number of cases containing stuffed creatures birds and chipmunks and small furry things.

And with King Tobacco were coming his own human vassals that were to prove a new social discord in the land up from the river- bottoms of the Ohio and down from the foot-hills of the Cumberland to plant, worm, tend, and fit those yellow robes to be stuffed into the mouth of the world and spat back again into the helpless face of the earth.

There was in the chamber a stuffed easy-chair, the covering of which was of worsted-work, wrought by Mrs. Preston when she was a young girl. This chair, which was highly valued as a relic of the past, was also badly injured.

On the first appearance of the new moon every month, the king shuts himself up, contemplating and arranging his magic horns the horns of wild animals stuffed with charm-powder for two or three days. These may be counted his Sundays or church festivals, which he dedicates to devotion.

There was a small round hole in the centre of the lid, into which a little roll of newspaper was stuffed presumably to keep the sand out and beside this hole I noticed, soldered fast to the lid, a small brass plate on which my eye caught the word "Patented."

He looked at the two princes and princess to ask them the meaning: when the bird interrupting him, said, "Can your majesty be in such great astonishment at cucumbers stuffed with pearls, which you see with your own eyes, and yet so easily believe that the queen your wife was delivered of a dog, a cat, and a piece of wood?"