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Yet he never suspected the Knights of Idleness, whose trick had been cautiously played. After this, Max managed to grease the sub-prefect's stoves every night with an oil which sent forth so fetid a smell that it was impossible for any one to stay in the house.

It seems to us that cooking in houses without chimneys would be rather difficult, but then these people do not use stoves or coal. They cook over a small pot, or brazier, or furnace of charcoal. They cook less food, too, than people who live in the North. They live largely on fruits and vegetables and have little meat.

Ye numbskull! One of them Yukon stoves. An' be quick about it." "What stuff?" "The stuff that lays outside the door Wentworth's stuff, of course! "In the cabin?" "Yes, in the cabin!" cried the factor impatiently. "Ye didn't think ye was to put it in the stove, did ye?" Hedin moved slowly away in search of the Company Indians, and Wentworth laughed.

I remember how a visitor in New Haven was looking for a certain house, and found himself in front of the residence of Professor Olmstead, the eminent astronomer, whose stoves were then very popular. The visitor inquired of an Irishman, who was working in front of the house, "Who lives here?"

"Don't you know how he stuck up his nose at our way of going out?" "Yes, I remember. But I don't see that their camp looks any better than ours does," went on Snap. "See, they have a fancy striped tent. That looks well, but it can't be very warm." "They have one of those patent cook stoves, Snap. They don't use the camp-fire to cook by." "Well, I'd just as soon use the regular fire."

The parent cautions the child against playing with the stove, but still the child persists in its disobedience, and sooner or later receives a burn for its meddling. To child finds out that stoves and burns are connected, and begins to see some sense and reason in the admonitions of the parent.

You see, they eat scraps around the hotels and get so tame they will steal everything but red-hot stoves, and will cuff the life out of those who try to shoo them off.

The burners of kerosene stoves are lighted by applying a match, just as the burners of a gas stove are lighted. In some stoves, especially those of the wickless type, the burners are so constructed that the flame can rise to only a certain height. This is a good feature, as it prevents the flame from gradually creeping up and smoking, a common occurrence in an oil stove.

There we had examined hundreds of objects of art, marble statues, bronze statues, mosaics, vases, frescoes, and paintings; we had seen thousands of ornaments for personal adornment, necklaces, cameos, bracelets, rings, chains, and toilet accessories and had looked at numberless articles for household use, such as stoves, lamps, dishes, and kitchen utensils.

The kitchens must have the best stoves and boilers, dressers and scales, and apparatus of every kind that is known to the time; for more lives depend on perfect food being administered with absolute punctuality than upon any medical treatment.