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The well-born and amusing people of the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century did not stickle at the question of the marriage.

Do you understand that?" "I don't see why you should stickle as to the matter of going to them," said Rogers; "but if you think it will be better to have them approach you, I suppose I can bring them to you." "No, you can't! I shan't let you! I shan't see them! I shan't have anything to do with them. NOW do you understand?"

Such is the fabric of ideas which the official class is busy building up by every means in its power, including the punishment of those who presume to stickle for historic truth. The sober fact is that no nation probably has ever treated its sovereigns more cavalierly than the Japanese have done, from the beginning of authentic history down to within the memory of living men.

As if it were any concern of theirs, what a gentleman shall please to do with his money! But you, Aby, have known how to comport yourself better; of which I believe you have no cause to repent. As to the entail, as you say, it must be docked. I know no remedy. And since my son is so positive, and determined to stickle for a good bargain, why we must do the best we can.

But I know them well enough not to trust them. They stickle at nothing to accomplish an end; and their preachers can soon convince them that slavery is a sin, and that they are responsible for its existence here, and that they can only propitiate offended Deity by its abolition.

This only, I think that the like before was never seen, and in this place we had very stickle and strong currents.

"You admit, then, that Miss Baxter's remembrance of the conversation is correct?" "It is practically correct. I do not 'stickle' about words." "But you did stickle about words an hour ago," said Mr. Hempstead, with some severity. "There is a difference in positively stating that the item would be lost and in merely suggesting that it might be lost."

This being done, Captain Morgan having had some experience that those lewd fellows would not much stickle to swear falsely in points of interest, he commanded them every one to be searched very strictly, both in their clothes and satchels and everywhere it might be presumed they had reserved anything.

These men must either escape or be massacred. Of bloodshed, Radisson had already seen too much; and the youth of twenty-one now no more proposed to stickle over the means of victory than generals who wear the Victoria cross stop to stickle over means to-day.

"Nor are all of us sneaks and spies," he added, as, turning, he led away the horse toward the stable. "Yon fellow does n't stickle at calling ye names, Miss Meredith," said Evatt. "He has no right to call me a spy," cried the girl, indignantly. "His words deserve no more heed than what he said t'other night at the tavern of ye." "What said he at the tavern?" demanded Janice.