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The girl's mother rose, brushed her skirt, and stepped to the car. Lorry unfastened the rope and reined to one side. The car steered badly. The girl stopped it and beckoned to Lorry. "There's something wrong with the steering-gear. Are the roads good from here to the next town?" "Not too good. There's some heavy sand about a mile west." She bit her lip. "Well, I suppose we'll have to turn back."

The other's if he had seen there satisfaction at having brought a man to terms he felt he should have despised her; but that was not what he saw. There was, by planning carefully, just room to wedge the rocking-horse in at Mrs. Lessing's feet without encroaching on the steering-gear.

Promptly responding to each touch of hand upon steering-gear, the aeromotor swung smoothly around, sailing on even keel right into the teeth of the gentle wind, by this time near enough to that body of water for the air-voyagers to scan its surface: a considerable expanse, all told, yet by no means of such magnitude as Professor Featherwit had anticipated.

For some minutes the chauffeur kept his eyes on the road ahead and both hands on the steering-gear. Then one hand moved, the speed of the car slackened suddenly, and the man turned and spoke over the back of his seat. 'I hope you'll forgive me, he said in English. Margaret started and sat up straight, for the voice was Logotheti's.

In the course of the evening, by way of diversion to our disputations on keels and centreboards, canvas and birch-bark, cedar-wood and bass-wood, paddles and steering-gear, a fine young Apollo, with a big, manly voice, sang us a few songs. But he did not chant the joys of weathering a sudden squall, or running a rapid feather-white with foam, or floating down a long, quiet, elm-bowered river.

She gave him a friendly little nod and turned to the steering-gear. There was nothing for it but to go, and Orme returned to the curb. A moment later he saw the black car move slowly away, and he felt as though something sweet and fine were going out of his life. If only there had been some way to prolong the incident! He knew intuitively that this girl belonged to his own class.

The propeller, made of silk stretched over a bamboo frame, was hung at the after end of the keel; the motor was a little aft of the centre, while the basket to which led the steering-gear, the emergency valve to the balloon, and the motor-controlling gear was suspended farther forward.

That was the third corner and the last one. There was only the park gate now. It was facing us, but, as luck would have it, not facing us directly. It was about twenty yards to the left up the main road into which we ran. Perhaps I could have done it, but I expect that the steering-gear had been jarred when we ran on the bank. The wheel did not turn easily. We shot out of the lane.

In that moment of danger it was the Policeman who came to her rescue. Eluding the Piper, he ran, hand over hand, to the side of the car, balanced himself on his level head, and waved his club. The limousine obeyed! With no one touching the steering-gear, the engine began to chug, the wheels to whirr.

"Honest, Byrd, I thought you were asleep and wouldn't wake up till morning. You never did before; but when I go go gallivanting, have I got to take you or not go?" And Sam's voice was bravely jocular. "Bring him here to me, Sam," I cried out, quickly. "Come in here with Betty, Byrd." And I cuddled his long, thin, little legs down under my lap-blanket beyond the steering-gear.