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Cuthbert's Kirk was thus bereft of its outstanding glories. For great men are like great trees, the shelter of all others and the path-finders towards the sky. My sun is westering now, and the oft-repeated crash as these mighty stalwarts fall keeps my heart in almost abiding sadness.

"Yes; and now three cheers for Mr. M'Adam and his Red Wull! Hip! hip " "Hooray!" A little knowt of stalwarts at the back James Moore, Parson Leggy, Jim Mason, and you may be sure in heart, at least, Owd Bob responded to the call right lustily. The crowd joined in; and, once off, cheered and cheered again. "Three cheers more for Mr. M'Adam!" But the little man waved to them.

With Robespierre, however, and his Jacobin stalwarts, it was something more, a strangely compounded thing, a political weapon in a sense, but a weapon behind which stood a bigot, a fanatic, a temperament governed by jealous fears and by the morbid revengefulness of the man of feeble physique.

His serene amiability and hopefulness, especially in regard to affairs in the Southern states, were a source of irritation to the Stalwarts; but it was the serenity of a man who felt himself fully equal to his responsibilities. In his inaugural address, Hayes contributed an addition to our political idiom, "He serves his party best who serves the country best."

It was a medley of railroad travel, of committees provided with badges and cigars, of open carriages slowly drawn between lines of bewildered citizens, of Lincoln clubs and other clubs marching in serried ranks, uniformed and helmeted, stalwarts carrying torches and banners.

He had gathered these three stalwarts to help him to his purpose, and if he lived he would lead yet others to failure. Hope never died in this tall, gaunt man, with a pale-blue eye the color of the horizon dusted with the first morning mist. He was the very spirit of lost causes, full of apprehensions, foreboding, superstitions.

Down the streets of Archangel marched part of a battalion of doughboys past the State House and the imposing foreign Embassy Building. Curious eyes looked upon the O. D. uniform and admired the husky stalwarts from over the seas. Bright-eyed women crowded to the edge of the boardwalks amongst the long-booted and heavily bewhiskered men.

Phillipolis was continually attacked between the 18th and the 24th, but made a most notable defence, which was conducted by Gostling, the resident magistrate, with forty civilians. For a week this band of stalwarts held their own against 600 Boers, and were finally relieved by a force from the railway. All the operations were not, however, as successful as these three defences.

From Waterval-Boven, a point beyond Middelburg, he was in a position either to continue his journey to Delagoa Bay, and so escape out of the country, or to travel north into that wild Lydenburg country which had always been proclaimed as the last ditch of the defence. Here he remained with his gold-bags waiting the turn of events. Botha and his stalwarts had not gone far from the capital.

But a policeman invading the flat of a courtesan, and himself in the flat, seemed a different being from the honest stalwarts who threw the beams of lanterns on the key-holes of jewellers' shops. Christine steeled herself to meet the crisis with self-reliance. She pointedly did not appeal to the male. "Well, what is it that he wants?" "He talks of the chimney.