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If the buyer held off long enough she might buy very close to cost, but if she bought quickly and at Stewart's figures, he had a way of throwing in a yard of ribbon, or elastic, or a spool or two of thread, all unasked for, that equalized the transaction. He seems to have been the very first man in trade to realize that to hold your trade you must make a friend of the customer.

'This, putting his hand on a backing-bell rope, 'is to sound the fire-alarm; this, putting his hand on a go-ahead bell, 'is to call the texas-tender; this one, indicating the whistle-lever, 'is to call the captain' and so he went on, touching one object after another, and reeling off his tranquil spool of lies. I had never felt so like a passenger before.

Tessie knew that presently the woman would come out, bundle laden, and that she would stow these lesser bundles in every corner left available by the more important sleeping bundle two yards of goods; a spool of 100, white; a banana for the baby; a new stewpan at the Five-and-Ten.

It was the nightmare of her youth, that nose and that croaking voice. But the woman had fingers, and a taste! And her mother could have concocted a smart evening frock out of an old window curtain. But the petted little daughter was never asked to go out and buy a spool of thread, much less was she consulted in the household economies.

These lavished, far-flung ribbons threaten to exhaust the factory; it would be much more economical to resort to the method of the spool; but, to turn the machine, the Spider would have to go up to it and work it with her leg. This is too risky; and hence the continuous spray of silk, at a safe distance. When all is used up, there is more to come.

This change in requirement was occasioned, not as at the spool tending by the negligence of the workers, but by the somewhat unreasonable caprice of a customer. Knots in the texture, formerly sewed down as they were, are now cut and fastened differently.

Carandas for so was named the manufacturer of machines to weave, to spin, to spool, and to wind the silk was not sufficiently smitten to believe in the innocence of the dyer's wife, and swore a devilish hate against her. But some days afterwards, when he had recovered from his wetting in the dyer's drain he came up to sup with his old comrade.

Boxes had been moved and shoved about until it was impossible to know whose they were. Helen sat down on the floor and began a systematic search; in turn opening each box and examining its contents. It required system for the boxes were many and the confusion great. There were handkerchief boxes, spool, candy, and shoe boxes of all sizes and conditions.

Once, indeed, he was nearly caught, for he came out directly in front of the kitchen door. But judicious trampling by the little girl soon reduced the soft pile of dirt he had left at the opening to hard ground again. One day the little girl's mother found that a spool of thread dropped on the north side of the room rolled to the south side.