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"Sophronisba? What! Another one? Good God!" cried the doctor. "All right! Get a poodle. Keep the cats. Get a parrot and an orphan with the itch and a hyena and a blunderbuss! Her name is Sophronisba! I oh, Lord, where's Jelnik? I have got to go and warn Jelnik!" And he made for the door. At that Alicia laughed.

Lord have mercy on us! Sophronisba!" he departed hastily. "What a nice neighbor!" commented Alicia. She added, musingly: "Sophy, this is an enchanted place a place where one has good meals, bad advice, and black cats showered on one, free and gratis. All one has to do is to stand still and take things as they come!"

'I'll have a warrant out foh you dis day, Geddes, you owdacious villyum! "And she done it. Yas'm. An' dey done sont de shariff atter me for witness, all two bofe o' dem." "Well, and what did you do?" I asked, curiously. I was getting a side-light on Great-Aunt Sophronisba. "Me? I got on muh knees an' wrastled wid de speret," said Uncle Adam.

But I was exhausted when I finally got back to sleep. When we went over Hynds House the next morning and took stock, I began to entertain very, very peculiar feelings toward Great-Aunt Sophronisba Scarlett, who, it would appear, had given me a white elephant which I could neither hire out for its keep, nor yet sell out of hand.

It was a long look, of suffering, of love, of pride, of unyielding resolve. Then he lifted my hand to his lips, bowed, and left me. I sat staring over the garden. I wondered if, somewhere on the other side of things, Great-Aunt Sophronisba wasn't snickering. "My faith, but I'm glad you're entirely well again, Sophy!" wrote The Author, in his small, fine, hypercritical script.

It was a fine one, you may be sure, but we are not going to tell you about it, when something even more interesting happened that night. At half-past eight the last horn sounded and the party was over. Mother and Hepzebiah climbed in the surrey, and, with them, two great-aunts, Sophronisba and Abigail.

Besides, the bridegroom himself was a Hynds on his mother's side, as Hyndsville ladies remembered, when they sat on our front porch working on wonderful bits of embroidered things for the bride. It was then I learned in fullest detail the whole history of Hyndsville, of the Hyndses, and of Great-Aunt Sophronisba in particular.

And he departed, a cooky in each hand. That night one of the Gatchell boys took Alicia to a dance. She was in blue and white, like an angel, and the Gatchell boy trod on air. But to me came Doctor Richard Geddes, and threw himself into a wing-chair. "Sophronisba Two," he asked, we being alone in the library, "what have I done to offend Alicia?" "Is Alicia offended?"