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If it is half as hot with you, you must be calling on the name of St. Lawrence by this time, and require no 'turning. I should not like to travel under such a sun. It would be too like playing at snapdragon. Yes, 'brightly happy. Women generally lose by marriage, but I have gained the world by mine.

But such is not the case; the more pernicious and baffling weeds, like snapdragon or blind nettles, are more local and restricted in their habits, and unable to fly at all. In the fall, the battles of the spring are fought over again, beginning at the other or little end of the series.

The snapdragon and the herb-betony had the reputation of averting the most subtle forms of witchcraft, and dill and flax were worn as talismans against sorcery. Holly is said to be antagonistic to witches, for, as Mr. Folkard says, "in its name they see but another form of the word 'holy, and its thorny foliage and blood-red berries are suggestive of the most Christian associations."

He is quite at home in the usages of the best literary society. In his writing there is none of that hit-or-miss playing at snapdragon with language, of that clownish bearing-on in what should be the light strokes, as if mere emphasis were meaning, and naturally none of the slovenliness that offends a trained judgment in the work of so many of our writers later, unmistakably clever as they are.

And I think you will find it convenient to call these generally Draconidæ; disregarding their present ugly botanical name which I do not care even to write once you may take for their principal types the foxglove, snapdragon, and calceolaria; and you will find they all agree in a tendency to decorate themselves by spots, and with bosses or swollen places in their leaves, as if they had been touched by poison.

Have somebody jingle a bell in one ear and blow into the other with a bellows and you will have an exact idea of it." When she told of a lady who had been horned by a large insect known as a snapdragon, he laughed loudly and closed the book and said: "They have found a new peril of American life. It is the gory horn of the snapdragon.

The part on the road was blank of windows, with the exception of a dignified projecting oriel; close to which was a high Tudor archway, with big oak doors standing open. There were some plants growing on the coping snapdragon and valerian which gave it a look of age and settled use. The carriage drove in under the arch, and a small courtyard appeared.

A spirited carving of a turbaned Moor leading a camel charged with merchandise, remains above the waterline of a neighbouring building; and all about the crumbling walls sprout flowering weeds samphire and snapdragon and the spiked campanula, which shoots a spire of sea-blue stars from chinks of Istrian stone.

I had looked forward to spending Christmas with some people in Suffolk, and every one in London assured me that at their house there would be the kind of a Christmas house party you hear about but see only in the illustrated Christmas numbers. They promised mistletoe, snapdragon, and Sir Roger de Coverley.

I had looked forward to spending Christmas with some people in Suffolk, and every one in London assured me that at their house there would be the kind of a Christmas house party you hear about but see only in the illustrated Christmas numbers. They promised mistletoe, snapdragon, and Sir Roger de Coverley.