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Some vases with flowers were on the table; I took out the flowers, and threw the water in her face, but they had been in the water some time, and had discoloured it green. Her ladyship's dress was a high silk gown, of a bright slate colour, and was immediately spoiled; but this was no time to stand upon trifles.

Along the sea-coast the formation is granitic syenite; then, proceeding about forty miles in the direction of South River, syenite occurs, which, about sixty miles higher up, runs into green stone: very fine slate succeeds.

But a moment ago, as it seemed to me, I had been gazing upward at the stars and listening to the dear, minute sounds of peace; and in another the great gray slate was clean, and every bone of me set in plaster of Paris, and sniping beginning between pickets with the day.

Gravely he lifted a behemothian paw, and gravely the young man shook it. To Behemoth young Mr. Surface addressed the following remarks: "West was simply deceived hoodwinked by men infinitely cleverer than he at that sort of thing. It was a manly thing his coming to you now and telling you; much harder than never to have made the mistake in the beginning. Of course it wipes the slate clean.

About this time Taffy began to carry out a scheme which he and his father had often discussed, but hitherto had found no leisure for the setting up of wooden crosses on the graves of the drowned sailormen. They had wished for slate, but good slate was expensive and hard to come by, and Taffy had no skill in stone-cutting. Since wood it must be, he resolved to put his best work into it.

These productions of Gothic taste must have been quite beyond the colonial skill of the day, and were probably carved in London, and brought across the ocean to commemorate the defunct worthies of this lonely isle. The more recent monuments are mere slabs of slate, in the ordinary style, without any superfluous flourishes to set off the bald inscriptions.

Holding up the slate before him, Dr. Johnston asked: "Is this your slate, sir?" Cohen gave it a cowering glance, and said, faintly: "Yes, sir." "How long has this been going on?" thundered the doctor. Cohen made no reply. "Answer me, sir, at once. How long has this been going on?" repeated the doctor. "I don't quite know, sir; but not very long," faltered out Cohen.

A handful of the soil by your door is probably the most composite thing you can find in a day's journey. It may be an epitome of a whole geological formation, or of two or more of them. If it happens to be made up of decomposed limestone, sandstone, slate, and basalt rock, think what a history would be condensed in it!

On the way I ascended a small hill composed of mica slate, and on its summit found two or three specimens of tourmaline. The boiling point of water on this hill was 210 degrees, the thermometer stood at 70 degrees.

The slates are always held in concealment under the table, and never has this remarkable passage of the pencil through the solid substance of the slate been witnessed by any one, not even by the Medium herself, in all the years during which this wonderful phenomenon has been a matter of daily, almost hourly, experience. Our first séance was held in the evening at the Medium's own home.