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"And since 'tis my unhappy lot, through slander's cruel wiles, I should be robbed so many years of Zaida's cheering smiles, Yet those who say that I am false, and name Celinda's name, Oh, may they gain no end at length but obloquy and shame! It is not just that to these words and to these anxious fears, These wild complaints, the god of love should close his heedless ears!

"Ah!" rejoined Peter, wiping his hand with his pocket handkerchief. "But, Lord! what scandal there be in the world!" "'Though slander's breath may raise a storm, It quickly does decay!" muttered Peter. "Very well, very true; sensible verses those," said the Corporal, approvingly; "and yet mischief's often done before the amends come.

Jerome downward; and Tom Moore has put into beautiful and graceful verse St. Jerome's admonitions to the fair churchgoers of his time. Who is the maid my spirit seeks, Through cold reproof and slander's blight? Has she Love's roses on her cheeks? Is hers an eye of this world's light?

There is no part of life into which magical superstition has not insinuated itself: if gems have some great virtue, I could have wished in these days for a ring with an efficacious remedy against 'slander's tooth. As to the belief about falls, I shall follow your advice I shall prefer to believe rather than risk myself.

And as he walked thither, how he envied humble Reuben Gray his parental happiness! Well! blot him black with slander's ink, He stands as white as snow! You serve him better than you think And kinder than you know; What? is it not some credit then, That he provokes your blame? This merely, with all better men, Is quite a kind of fame! M.F. Tupper. Mr.

With a shrewd application of humble auxiliary devices, he at once erected above the bones of his benefactor a costly monument, overtopping every rough headboard in the cemetery, and on this he judiciously caused to be inscribed an epitaph of his own composing, eulogizing the honesty, public spirit and cognate virtues of him who slept beneath, "a victim to the unjust aspersions of Slander's viper brood."

Erik himself cast his sister's fair name and fame into slander's babbling pool, and high dames and citizens' wives washed unspotted innocence in calumny's impure waters. It is only when the large wooden shutters of the saloons are opened, that the sunbeams stray in here; the dust accumulates in their twisted pillars, and is only just disturbed by the draught of air.

"Ah!" rejoined Peter, wiping his hand with his pocket handkerchief. "But, Lord! what scandal there be in the world!" "'Though slander's breath may raise a storm, It quickly does decay!" muttered Peter. "Very well, very true; sensible verses those," said the Corporal, approvingly; "and yet mischief's often done before the amends come.

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