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They'll play the game to the finish. It don't signify a curse if you close down the recreation shanty or not. We've got to meet it as a competition, and fight it the way we'd fight any other." Bat's eyes snapped. "That's the kind of dope Skert Lawton's handed me," he protested. "And Skert's a wise guy," came the prompt retort. Quite suddenly Bat flung out his gnarled hands.

Skert's eyes were wide, and his tone was savage. "That's just it. I reckoned to show Sternford all this stuff," he went on, indicating the machine hall with a jerk of his head. "But we'll have to let it pass. Say," he glanced from one to the other, his expression developing to something like white fury. "They started. It's business this time. I got a message up they were stopping the grinders.

"The cost? The labour? Time? You got those things?" "It's right up at your office now." Skert's eyes widened in surprise at such a question. "It's not my way to play around." "No." Bat's eyes refused seriousness. "Oh, psha! This is no sort of time chewing these details. It's figgered to the last second, the last man, the last cent. I brought you to see things. Well, you've seen things.

Will you come right over to the window and sit? There's daylight enough still. We don't need to use Skert's electric juice till we have to. I'm real glad you came along." The man's delight was transparent. Nancy remained unresponsive, however. She was blind to everything but the thing she had come to do, and the hopelessness that weighed so heavily upon her.

A world of pity looked out of Skert's eyes as he surveyed the man he believed to be the greatest organiser the mill industry had ever seen. He shook his head. "Work? Not on your life! Socialism, Communism Revolution!" Bat spat out a stream of tobacco juice. He was startled. "But I ain't heard tell of any sort of unrest gettin' busy. We're payin' big money. It's bigger than the market. They got "

"There's things we can take a joy in remembering. But this isn't one of 'em. No. The thing for us now is work. Plenty of work. The mill needs to be in full work inside a week. We haven't an hour to lose, with young Birchall coming along over. Skert's promised us power in twenty-four hours. He's at it right now. The camps on the river'll be working full, and making up lost time.