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So probably its numbers are occasionally increased by migratory flocks in the winter. Professor Ansted includes the Goldfinch in his list, but marks it as occurring only in Guernsey and Sark. There is no specimen in the Museum. SISKIN. Carduelis spinus, Linnaeus. French, "Tarin," "Grosbec tarin."

"You're not the only country cousins, Siskin," he said, which gave Cicely somehow a higher opinion of herself, his dissociation of himself in this matter of country cousinhood from his family striking her as nothing unreasonable.

Simiadae, their origin and divisions. Similarity, sexual. Singing of the Cicadae and Fulgoridae; of tree-frogs; of birds, object of the. Sirenia, nakedness of. Sirex juvencus. Siricidae, difference of the sexes in. Siskin, pairing with a canary. Sitana, throat-pouch of the males of. Size, relative, of the sexes of insects. Skin, dark colour of, a protection against heat.

"Melbury Park!" laughed the Squire. "Ha! ha!" "That's town," said Dick. "Four to six. We yokels are getting worsted." "I'll come to your rescue," said Humphrey. "I don't want to be cut off with a shilling. Give me a big country house and a season ticket, and I'm with you." "Five to six then. Now, Siskin, make it all square." "No," said Cicely. "I hate the country." "What!" exclaimed the Squire.

I was attracted by a movement of the monster on a tree-trunk; it was close beneath a deep crevice in the tree, across which was stretched a dense white web. The lower part of the web was broken, and two small birds, finches, were entangled in the pieces; they were about the size of the English siskin, and I judged the two to be male and female.

The Siskin can only be looked upon as an occasional, accidental visitant indeed, I only know of one instance of its occurrence, and that is recorded by Mr. Couch at p. 4296 of the 'Zoologist' for 1875 in the following words: "I have the first recognised specimen of the Siskin; a boy knocked it down with a stone in an orchard at the Vrangue in September." This communication is dated November, 1874.

Bechstein, on female birds choosing the best singers among the males; on rivalry in song-birds; on the singing of female birds; on birds acquiring the songs of other birds; on pairing the canary and siskin; on a sub-variety of the monk pigeon; on spurred hens. Beddoe, Dr., on causes of difference in stature. Bee-eater.

Nikanor shook his head doubtfully and said slowly that we really ought to have put in the shafts, not Circassian, but Peasant or Siskin; and uncertainly, as though expecting I should change my mind, took the reins in his gloves, stood up, thought a moment, and then raised his whip. "A whole series of inconsistent actions..." I thought, screening my face from the snow.

The Siskin, however, is not mentioned in Professor Ansted's list, and there is no specimen at present in the Museum. LINNET. Linota cannabina, Linnaeus. French, "Linotte," "Grosbec linotte." The Linnet is resident and the most numerous bird in the Islands by far, outnumbering even the House Sparrow, and it is equally common and breeds in all the Islands.

Hairy Woodpecker, 1; Downy Woodpecker, 7; Blue Jay, 8; Goldfinch, 2; Pine Siskin, 1; Tree Sparrow, 75; Slate-coloured Junco, 20; Cardinal, 2; White-breasted Nuthatch, 3; Chickadee, 26. Total, 10 species, 145 individuals. Denver, Colo. Dec. 25; 2.20 to 4 P. M. Partly cloudy; ground with some snow; wind west, strong; temperature 45 degrees to 55 degrees.