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Such a conversion, indeed, would presuppose that the element was composed of two or more ingredients, and was in fact not an element; and until the decomposition of these bodies is accomplished, and their constituents discovered, all pretensions to such conversions deserve no notice. Dr. Brown of Edinburgh thought he had converted iron into rhodium, and carbon or paracyanogen into silicon.

The products at present manufactured are the various grades of aluminum bronze made from a rich furnace product that is obtained by adding copper to the charge of ore, silicon bronze prepared in the same manner, and aluminum silver, an alloy of aluminum with several other metals. A boron bronze may be prepared by the reduction of boracic acid in contact with copper.

"Where do you think the Silicon is?" asked Throppy. "Twenty-five miles east, and making for Fundy as fast as sail and gasolene'll take her," replied Jim. "She can't go any too far or fast to suit me." A hearty breakfast of fried bacon, hot biscuits, and coffee made the drowsy crowd feel better.

A friend to whom I submitted a small portion broken off from the rest expressed no doubt that it was a kind of aluminium bronze, but inclined to believe that it contained no inconsiderable proportion of a metal with which chemists are as yet imperfectly acquainted; perhaps, he said, silicon; certainly something which had given to the alloy a hardness and tenacity unknown to any familiar metallurgical compound.

That's Captain Bart Brittler, sticking his head out of the companionway; and Dolph's somewhere below." "But what are they doing on the Cassie J.? Their vessel was named the Silicon." "They're one and the same craft! I'm certain of it. I recognize her rig now, even if it was night when I saw her the first time.

Silicon bronze wire is stronger than copper wire and should be used where aerials are more than 100 feet long, while phosphor bronze wire is the strongest aerial wire made and is used for high grade aerials by the commercial companies and the Government for their high-power stations.

Above 25 per cent. the strength again increases. The effect of silicon in small proportions upon copper is to greatly increase its tensile strength. When more than 5 per cent. is present, the product is exceedingly brittle and grayish-black in color.

Apportionment of elements in food: carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, iron, silicon, etc. Large proportion of water in the human body Dr.

Silicon itself is a four-handed element which bears somewhat the same relation to the mineral matter of the soil as carbon bears to the organic matter. Oxygen, which is present in nearly all substances, including air, water, and most solids, constitutes about one-half of all known matter. Silicon is next in abundance, amounting to more than one-fourth of the solid crust of the earth.

Though sulfur is found in plants in very appreciable amounts and is known to be essential to plant growth, it is evident that plants do not need so much sulfur as they often contain, some of it being taken up and merely tolerated, as is the case with all of the sodium and silicon found in plants, neither of these being required for normal growth, although commonly found in plants in very considerable amounts.