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Although Sicca was a sacred town it could not hold such a multitude; the temple alone, with its appurtenances, occupied half of it. Accordingly the Barbarians established themselves at their ease on the plain; those who were disciplined in regular troops, and the rest according to nationality or their own fancy.

I must come to play at Blind Harry and Hy Spy with them. But what is all this?" added Pleydell, taking up the plans; "tower in the centre to be an imitation of the Eagle Tower at Caernarvon corps de logis the devil! wings wings? why, the house will take the estate of Ellangowan on its back, and fly away with it!" "Why then, we must ballast it with a few bags of Sicca rupees," replied the Colonel.

He now declares the whole of it to be his own, and he thus applies by letter to the board, of which he himself was a majority. "Honorable Sir and Sirs, Having had occasion to disburse the sum of three lacs of sicca rupees on account of secret services, which having been advanced from my own private cash, I request that the same may be repaid to me in the following manner.

What! not know the great Polemo of Rhodes, the friend of Plotinus, the pupil of Theagenes, the disciple of Thrasyllus, the hearer of Nicomachus, who was of the school of Secundus, the doctor of the new Pythagoreans? Not feel the presence in Sicca of Polemo, the most celebrated, the most intolerable of men?

If the spectator now takes his stand, not in Sicca itself, but about a quarter of a mile to the south-east, on the hill or knoll on which was placed the cottage of Agellius, the city itself will enter into the picture.

When Callista, then, had so boldly left the cottage to stop the intruders, she had in one important point reckoned without her host. She spoke Latin fluently, herself, and could converse with the townspeople, most of whom could do the same; but it was otherwise with the inhabitants of the country, numbers of whom, as we have said, were in Sicca on the day of the outbreak.

Callista had sighed for the bright and clear atmosphere of Greece, and she was thrown into the Robur and plunged into the Barathrum of Sicca. But in reality, though she called it Greece, she was panting after a better country and a more lasting home, and this country and home she had found. She was now setting out for it. It was, indeed, no slight marvel that she was not already there.

He wished Callista no harm, but, if a Christian must be found and held up in terrorem, he would rather it was a person like her, without connections and home, than the member of any decent family of Sicca, whose fair fame would be compromised by a catastrophe.

The nymphs had not turned out upon the usual principles of feminine gatherings 'Spectatum venit, venit spectentur it ipsae; and yet, between them, the two parties reciprocated the functions. Each to the other was a true spectacle. A long Scotchman, 'Qui sicca solus secum spatiatur arena,

If there was no exudation the disease was called plica sicca. Again, and particularly in females, the hair would become matted and glued together into one uniform intricate mass of various magnitudes. The hair of the whole body was likely to be attacked with this disease.