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She was a tall woman, with dark eyebrows, erect, grave, stolid, and she thought herself an intellectual woman. She read a great deal, called her husband not Dimitri, but Demitri, and in his private mind he thought her short-witted, narrow-minded, and ungracious. He was afraid of her and disliked being at home.

Jim George, a rather eccentric and "short-witted fellow," of Company C, while plundering around in some old out-buildings in our rear, conceived the idea to investigate a straw stack, or an old house filled with straw. After burrowing for some time away down in the tightly packed straw, his comrades heard his voice as he faintly called that he had struck "ile."

But my free language disturbed the blind partisans of absolute power in the Church and State, and the Abbé Frayssinous, short-witted and weak though honest, obeyed with inquietude rather than reluctance the influences whose extreme violence he dreaded without condemning their exercise.

Borné, literally limited, but used in French as a synonyme of short-witted, is the term that best characterizes the actions of all other animals, as compared with the graceless but amazingly versatile and well-planned pranks of our nearest relatives.

Shepherds who make compromises with wolves sell their mutton at an exceedingly cheap market. Now just such short-witted shepherds are we, the people of these free American States, invited by numbers of citizens to become. Just such, do I say? A thousand times more silly than such. Our national wolf meets us with jaws that drip blood and eyes that glare hunger for more.

'He should, methinks, have rendered a better account of himself. 'Then there was Major Elphinstone. 'A bragging fool! cried Saxon. 'And Sir John Cochrane. 'A captious, long-tongued, short-witted sluggard, said the soldier of fortune. 'The expedition was doomed from the first with such men at its head.

The further question whether such an acquired character can be transmitted we need not raise again. Before passing on, however, let this one word to the wise be uttered. If the skull can be so affected, then what about the brain inside it? If the hereditarily long-headed can change under suitable conditions, then what about the hereditarily short-witted?

Caxter rose, carefully closing his book, and bolted the door in some concern. "I'm pursued," cried out Soft Shoes. "I vow there's two short-witted blades trying to make me into mincemeat and near succeeding. They saw me hop the back wall!"

You must find us plain, plodding Americans horribly short-witted sometimes. Don't you?" Patsy shook a contradiction. "It's your turn, now. What fetched ye abroad at this hour?" Gregory Jessup slipped his arm through the horse's bridle and fell into step with her.