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"When daisies pied, and violets blue, And lady smocks all silver-white, And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue, Do paint the meadows with delight." In England the daffodil blooms in February and March; the swallow comes in April usually; hence the truth of Shakespeare's lines: "Daffodils, That come before the swallow dares, and take The winds of March with beauty."

But before she had spoken De Stancy continued Somerset stared. Surely in this comedy the King never addressed the Princess in such warm words; and yet they were Shakespeare's, for they were quite familiar to him. A dim suspicion crossed his mind. Mrs.

Carlyle, greatest of critics, the supreme lord of literature that Scottish Arcturus before whom even Shakespeare's glorious star pals its ineffectual fires awards the palm of correlated cussedness to Cagliostro; yet the "count" was merely a successful swindler and professional pander.

'Fancy, Stella, I am to be Beatrice in our play; only it is not called Beatrice, but "Beatreechee," explained Vava, pronouncing it, as she hoped, in correct Italian fashion. 'What play are you acting Shakespeare's? inquired Stella.

The very recognition of Shakespeare's merits by the Committee reminds me of nothing so apt as an illustration, as the decree of the Directoire that men might acknowledge God. Among the subjects discussed was the advisability of making schoolboys write English verses as well as Latin and Greek. 'Woolner and Sir Francis Doyle were for this; Gladstone and Browning against it.

If I ask what was the secret of Dante's or of Shakespeare's divining rod, and you answer "Evolution," 'tis as if, when sick in heart and sick in head, I were referred, as medicine for "a mind diseased," to Grimm's Law or to the Magnetic Belt.

The tale of King Florus the gem of the book recalls the early part of Shakespeare's Cymbeline and the bet about a wife's virtue, which forms the subject of many romances, not a few folk-tales, and at least one folk-song. The Romance of the Violet, by Gerbert de Montruil, circa 1225, derives its name from the mother's mark of the heroine, which causes her husband to lose his bet.

However, he rose to the occasion, and an hour or so afterwards, when everybody else had spoken, not satisfied with his first effort, he arose and made a much better and longer speech. He was an admirable after-dinner speaker as well as an unusual actor. His wonderful presentations, not only of Shakespeare's but of other dramas, did very much for the stage both in his own country and in ours.

An exact rendering of difficult English authors soon made Shakespeare's language in both prose and poetry as intelligible as German or French. After mastering the rules of grammar, I needed no teacher except my mother. When I had conquered the first difficulties I took up Tennyson's Idyls of the King, and at last succeeded in translating two of these beautiful poems in the metre of the original.

Thus we see that the only two poets of modern times who are of Shakespeare's stature follow him in unity of design They coincide with him in imparting a dramatic tinge to all our poetry, like him, they blend the grotesque with the sublime, and, far from standing by themselves in the great literary ensemble that rests upon Shakespeare, Dante and Milton are, in some sort, the two supporting abutments of the edifice of which he is the central pillar, the buttresses of the arch of which he is the keystone.