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I wish to bring his the sergeant-major's conduct especially before your notice, general." "The sergeant-major's? Very good. But if he took the colour he must know what happened to Anastasius. Call him, will you?" Sergeant-major McKay came up and saluted. "Mr. Wilders, sir," he told the general, "was wounded as we were breasting the slope." "You saw him go down? Where was he hit?"

If, as the sergeant-major's daughter, she had given herself airs, and had thrown herself in the way of the young officers, and had been light and flighty in her manner, all this was changed as soon as she was married, and even the most censorious were obliged to admit that she made Sergeant Humphreys a better wife than they had expected.

Wegstetten gave orders that the sergeant-major should not be disturbed that day. Under such circumstances a man had better be left to himself. But when Heimert did not put in an appearance next morning, Käppchen was sent to look him up. The battery-clerk came back much disturbed, and announced: "Excuse me, sir, I think the sergeant-major's gone mad." "Mad?

But you, thief and smuggler, I will bring the police upon you and your accomplice, who has just tried to murder me with his knife." Tio Pedro turned ghastly pale at the sergeant-major's words. He had evidently no wish for a domiciliary visit, and would have been glad to be well rid of McKay. "Let him be!

He gained distraction from his jealous fits in this way, and he thought the sergeant-major's wife a really good woman, who had been unfortunate enough to marry the wrong man, when with another she would perhaps have been happy.

But she became calm on reflection, and to fortify herself in her course started that afternoon to tend the sergeant-major's grave, in which she took the same sober pleasure as at first.

Instead of himself, Heppner marched in the sergeant-major's place, and Keyser, as the senior non-commissioned officer present, led the file of drivers instead of the deputy sergeant-major. All was thoroughly well done, there was not a hitch anywhere. And he, Schumann, had believed that he was indispensable, he had thought things could not go on without him!

You are mad yourself, man!" was the captain's reply; and he went in person to the sergeant-major's quarters. Heimert was sitting at the table, his little wooden guns and horsemen before him. With smiling looks he was drilling them, giving the words of command in a soft voice. He did not seem to recognise the commander of his battery, but gazed stupidly at Wegstetten when he spoke to him.

It might get the sergeant-major's goat if he found a buck private smoking half-crown cigars. 'You haven't joined the army? 'Not yet; but I shall to-morrow. You can do it by graft, old boy. For three weeks I've courted a colonel's daughter so as to get next to the old man, and to-morrow I receive my reward. I am to become a full-fledged Tommy Atkins. 'And the daughter?

As for the men, they simply laugh in the sergeant-major's face. They are 'experts, if you please, and are struck off all fatigues and company duty! It was bad enough when Ayling pinched fourteen of my best men for his filthy machine-guns; now, the company has practically degenerated into an academy of variety artists. The only occasion upon which I ever see them all together is payday!"