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At its W. termination there is a crater-row running at right angles to it. The light area appears to be bounded on the E. by a low curved bank. VITRUVIUS. A ring-plain 19 miles in diameter with bright but not very lofty walls, situated among the mountains near the S.W. side of the Mare Serenitatis. It is surrounded by a region remarkable for its great variability in brightness.

Decision about employment or activity in the immediate future, was one thing that couldn't be dismissed. And announcements, beamed from the Moon, emphasized it: "Serenitatis Base, seventeenth month-day, sixteenth hour. Plastics-chemists, hydroponics specialists, machinists, mechanics, metallurgists, miners, helpers all are urgently needed. The tax-free pay will startle you.

A profound sensation, accordingly, was produced by Schmidt's announcement, in October, 1866, that the crater "Linné," in the Mare Serenitatis, had disappeared, effaced, as it was supposed, by an igneous outflow. The case seemed undeniable, and is still dubious.

At a certain point, Nelsen gave up trying to figure out all of the aspects of Serene. Of course he and Gimp had one inevitable goal. There was a short walk, Gimp hopping along lightly; then there was an elevator ride downward, for the place, aggressively named The First Stop, was nestled cosily in the lava-rock underlying the dust of Mare Serenitatis.

There are gaps on the bright S.W. border and a crater on the S.E. wall. The central mountain is an easy feature. PLINIUS. This magnificent object reminds one at sunrise of a great fortress or redoubt erected to command the passage between the Mare Tranquilitatis and the Mare Serenitatis.

Some of these hollows are four English miles in depth. The largest of these, situated near the north pole of the moon, is called Mare Imbrium; next to it is Mare Serenitatis; next, Mare Tranquilitatis, with several others.

Thus, Nelsen glimpsed much territory the splashed, irregular shape of Serenitatis, the international base on the mare, the dust sea of the same name; the radiating threads of trails and embryo highways, the ever-widening separation of isolated domes and scattered human diggings and workings faintly scratched in the lunar crust, as, at a still great height, Frank's gaze swept outward from the greatest center of human endeavor on the Moon.

Do you want to walk eight hundred miles to a Tovie station? On the Moon it is difficult to keep hired help. So one must rely on practical counter-circumstances. Besides, I wouldn't want you to be at Serenitatis Base, or anywhere else, talking about my discovery, Nelsen. I'm afraid you're stuck." Now Nelsen had the result of his perhaps incautious test statement.

EUDOXUS. A bright deep ring-plain, about 40 miles in diameter, in the hilly region between the Mare Serenitatis and the Mare Frigoris, with a border much broken by passes, and deviating considerably from circularity.

A small ring-plain with a central mountain is connected with the S.W. wall; and, running in a N. direction from this, is a short mountain arm which joins a large circular enclosure with a low broken border standing on the N. side of the Mare Tranquilitatis. LITTROW. A peculiar ring-plain, rather smaller than the last, some distance N. of Vitruvius, on the rocky W. border of the Mare Serenitatis.