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Thus saying, I was hastening to the adjoining room, where stood my <secretaire>, to take from it a thousand crowns I wished to give for the purpose. The king held me back by my arm, saying to me, "You are the most excellent creature I know of, but you see I am always master. I will undertake to provide for this young man.

Fritz, having waited months for a letter from the Danish consul in reply to the letters which he, Fritz, wrote every so often and sent through le bureau meaning the secretaire had managed to get news of his whereabouts to said consul by unlawful means; and was immediately, upon reception of this news by the consul, set free and invited to join a ship at the nearest port.

He groaned at his own impotency to recall the circumstances of that mysterious, perhaps prophetic dream; then in despair he gave it up, and stooping to a little secretaire, unlocked it with the idea of sending a note round to Annesley's chambers. As he did so he uttered a loud cry. Lying in one of the pigeon-holes was a long piece of black silk, apparently torn from the lining of an opera hat.

With me is the same dear daughter who accompanied me last year as "dame secrétaire" on my first errand. The boat is crowded with soldiers, and before we reach the French shore we have listened to almost every song old and new in Tommy's repertory.

Her ladyship thrust out a bony claw, clutched at his sleeve, and drew him back and into the chair beside her. "Pho! Charles," she said; "give the fool rope, and he'll hang himself, never doubt it the poor, witless creature." Mr. Caryll sauntered over to the secretaire, and leaned an elbow on the top of it, facing all in the room. "I admit, Mr.

"It is very pleasant for me, Monsieur le Secretaire General, to make this declaration. Your sentiments, reflecting those of your compatriots, are for me the measure of the high degree of the future happiness of your country.

They went into the long, cool drawing room together, and came upon Dacre Wynne, clad in riding things, and looking, just as Nigel remembered he always looked, very bronzed and big and handsome in a heavy way. His back was toward them and his eyes were upon a photo of 'Toinette that stood on a carved secrétaire.

Some people, he added, also spoke of a writing table or secretaire with deep drawers; and others declared that the money slumbered in some big padlocked trunks stored away in the depths of the alcove, which was very roomy.

I looked and saw the secretaire, weak-eyed and lemon-pale, and I said "Non." I recall that, for some reason, I was perfectly cool. I put over six or eight hot shots without losing in the least this composure, which surprised myself and pleased myself and altogether increased myself.

'Nelly, he says, 'I know I can trust you. And I said, 'Yes, sir. And so he could, whatever it might have been. What happened afterwards wasn't my fault, and couldn't have been guarded against. 'Then go, he said, 'to my old secretaire and open it. And I did. There was rows of pigeon-holes inside, and little drawers with brass knobs.