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Alton said nothing, but sat smoking and staring at the fire, until Seaforth rolled himself in his damp blankets and sank into not altogether refreshing sleep. A misty light was creeping into the tent when he was awakened by the thudding of his companion's axe, and rising stiffly with the ache at the hip-joint which every bushman knows, went out shivering. "Coffee!" said Alton.

It seemed an appreciable time before they came down amidst the fern, and then Miss Deringham drew in her breath with a little sibilant sigh. "Oh!" she said softly, and there was a great smashing as man and beast reeled through a brake on the other side. "Yes," said Seaforth, "it was a tolerably risky thing, but it takes a good deal to turn Harry. Where's Nellie Townshead now?"

Barney renewed his search, while the lieutenant folded his arms, and, leaning against the toilet, sunk into a reverie. "After all, it must be some trick of my laughter-loving cousins," said Seaforth. "Ah! then, the ladies!" chimed in Mr. Maguire, though the observation was not addressed to him; "and will it be Miss Caroline or Miss Fanny, that's stole your honor's things?"

General Wilcox and his portly dame, Major Seaforth, and we know not what of Vernons and De Wolfs, and other grand old names, were represented there; stiff silks rustled, Chinese fans fluttered, and the last court fashions stood revealed in bonnets.

He instanced "three most horrible and dreadful murders of slaves" that had been committed in Barbadoes, and quoted the report of Lord Seaforth, governor of the island, who, on investigation, had found that by the law of the colony the punishment affixed to such murders was a fine of eleven pounds.

"Has he ridden off wet through as he was?" she said. "I expect so," said Seaforth dryly. "Harry does not usually let trifles of that kind worry him, nor do I think there are many men who would have ridden at that fence." Alice Deringham said nothing, but though she smiled Seaforth fancied that she was not pleased.

There were times when it almost maddened me, and at last, though I knew it might cost me all I hoped for, I had to speak." The girl's face softened. "And there was nothing else. You did not think that because of anything which had happened I should be more apt to listen?" Seaforth was usually undemonstrative in bearing and speech, but he stood up stiffly, and his voice was a trifle strained.

As he spoke there was a crash a little farther behind them, another ahead, and they stood still; Alton gripping the horse's bridle, Seaforth staring about him and scarcely breathing, while concussion answered concussion, until there was a silence that was almost bewildering again.

Alton moved so that Townshead could not see him, and his face was utterly perplexed. "What things?" he said. "Two or three fowls," said Seaforth reflectively. "There were some eggs, a bag of the big yellow apples, and now it's curious I forgot the rest." Alton's eyes twinkled. "Oh, yes," he said. "Some venison. There was the deer you shot in the potatoes, and a bag of dried plums.

Now the soldiers were relieved from their cramped positions of the day. A few at a time they left the trenches, rising and walking about. Inside the house their bacon was cooked for them and their coffee made. Mr. Seaforth, who was abundantly supplied with food, added a variety of palatable eatables to their night meal.