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"How can you help?" asked the young man again. "Tell me what you will do?" "Me?" said Truda. "For to-night I can do nothing; I am not an army. But I think that after to-night there will be no more Judenhetze in this city. That is what I think. For, after all, I am the Schottelius; people know me and set a value on me, and if harm comes to me there will be a reckoning."

It was in the fall of the year that Truda Schottelius on tour came to that shabby city of Southern Russia. Nowadays, the world remembers little of her besides her end, which stirred it as Truda Schottelius could always stir her audience; but in those days hers was a fame that had currency from Paris to Belgrade, and the art of drama was held her debtor.

She gave her life to teach it. There will be no more Judenhetze in this city." "Her life to teach it," repeated Monsieur Vaucher. "She gave her life." His composure failed him suddenly, and he fell on his knees on the other side of what had been Truda Schottelius, weeping openly. "She never failed," he said. "She never failed. A great artist, Monsieur, the Schottelius!

And as he went, jolting over the cobbles of the lesser streets, he suffered himself to recall the great scene of that night's play a long slow situation of a woman at bay, opposing increasing odds with increasing spirit and experienced again his thrill. "Ah," he murmured over his cigar; "the Schottelius, she has the sense of climax!"

Perhaps I could say a word in some high quarter " "Why should you concern yourself?" asked the Jew evenly. "Why should you take this trouble?" "Why?" Truda looked up at him, doubtful of his meaning. He nodded. "Why?" he repeated. "It cannot be good for Truda Schottelius to stand on the side of Jews?" "What do you mean?" demanded Truda. He continued to look at her steadily, but made no answer.

The harmlessness of abstinence was affirmed by Kräpelin, Cramer, Gärtner, Tuczek, Schottelius, Gaffky, Finkler, Selenew, Lassar, Seifert, Gruber; the last, however, added that he knew very few abstinent young men, and himself only considered abstinence good before full development, and intercourse not dangerous in moderation even before then.

Prince Sarasin was again in his box when Monsieur Vaucher, broken in spirit and looking bleak and old, came before the curtain to announce that owing to circumstances unforeseen circumstances of a a peculiar nature, Madame Schottelius would be unable to appear that night, and her place would be taken, etc. The announcement was not well received, and nobody was less pleased than the Prince.

She rose from her chair and took one step towards him; then paused. A tense moment of silence passed, and Truda Schottelius sighed. "How did you know?" she asked, in a matter-of-fact tone. The big young man smiled. "How did I know that you, too, were a Jew is that what you mean?" Truda nodded.

Here is this city a beastly place, it is true, but with much money, and very busy exterminating Jews. Which will you, Madame its money or its Jews? You see the choice! But I will weary you no longer; the child will assuredly be claimed." He bowed and took his departure; it was not well, he knew, for any manager to push Truda Schottelius too far.