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"Scept massa captain," said he, "and he do know what is good, dat ar a fact, but he don't like to be ticular, so he takes same fare as men, and dey isn't jealous. 'Sorrow, sais he, 'make no stinction for me. I is used to better tings, but I'll put up wid same fare as men." "Sorrow," said the captain, "how can you tell such a barefaced falsehood.

I frankly confess that some expressions in your er Tragedy of er Soulless Scept Sceptic Soul were Greek to me." "Poor dear Roderick, I should hardly take you as the highest example of the Zeitgeist; but I won't allow you to call yourself stupid. I'm glad you like the swing of the verse. Did it remind you of any contemporary poet?" "Well, yes, I think it dimly suggested Browning."

What would you think of me writing a play eh?... There's all sorts of things to be done. "Or the stog-igschange." He fell into that meditative whistling of his. "Sac-ramental wine!" he swore, "this isn't the world it's Cold Mutton Fat! That's what Wimblehurst is! Cold Mutton Fat! dead and stiff! And I'm buried in it up to the arm pits. Nothing ever happens, nobody wants things to happen 'scept me!

All that money that my Griffey was putting by in pence and sixpences and shillings all gone, and he no better, and Howels no better, and I no better, 'scept that I did be seeing London. Come you, Owen, tak you a drop of brandy and water. I do tak it very kind of you to be coming to see me. 'What message shall I give Netta, Aunt 'Lizbeth?

Allow me to shake hands with you, sir. You'll sleep at Glanyravon. 'Certainly, if I shall not inconvenience you and your family. Your daughter looks very ill and tired; perhaps it may 'Not a bit, sir. She's not my daughter; she always looks as pale as moonlight, 'scept when she blushes up; she'll see to a bed for a strange gentleman, and so'll my missus. To think of your knowing Mr Stephenson!