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Updated: January 12, 2025

More days passed; food grew scarcer; there were more "useless mouths" in the town; John de Vienne decided to try this experiment again. Five hundred more were thrust from the gates. This time King Edward was not in a good humor. He bade his soldiers drive them back at sword's-point. The governor refused to admit them into the town.

When the mowers were in the field, and the chirping fledgelings had become birds of the air, and the days were at the longest, her country rambles became more precious, for they must henceforth be restricted; they must be scarcer and shorter.

Accordingly, that day it kept getting worse. An unbearable heaviness weighed me down. Near three o'clock in the afternoon, this agonizing sensation affected me to an intense degree. Yawns dislocated my jaws. My lungs were gasping in their quest for that enkindling elastic fluid required for breathing, now growing scarcer and scarcer. My mind was in a daze.

Nearly one year of constant fatigue, constant expectation, and constant disappointment was thus passed away; affairs grew daily worse, employment scarce, money scarcer.

The beaver skin was estimated at a pound and a half, though it sometimes weighed two, in which case an allowance was made. Wampum was used for ornament and in treaty-making, but not as currency. Other furs or Indian commodities, like maple sugar and wild rice, were bought in terms of beaver. As this animal grew scarcer the unit changed to money.

French, "Lavendière," "Hoche-queue grise," "Bergeronette grise." The White Wagtail is still scarcer than the Pied, but I saw one pair evidently breeding between L'ancresse Road and Grand Havre. The White Wagtail so much resembles the Pied Wagtail, that it may have been easily overlooked, and may be more common than is generally known.

Don't ye's be afraid of that. Thim as don't love the likes of ye's is scarcer than hen's teeth." "T-double-e-t-h," observes the scholarly Davy. "My! my!" cries the cook. At the table, the professor will not care for any beer. Well, let it be a little. Well, another glass. Yes, the glasses are not large. Another? Yes. "Ah! Meester Lockwin," he says at last, "I like to play for you.

In those days the town was smaller and playmates were scarcer. When we boys and girls wanted any real interesting games we had to get together. "The two boys at our end of town who were the nicest were Roger Allan and Dick Wentworth.

However, he was got outhere he is again, looking as he always does, as if he had been in a bandbox ever since the last session. There he is, at his old post every night, just as we have described him: and, as characters are scarce, and faithful servants scarcer, long may he be there, say we!

But now when coal is scarcer and high, or monopolized, at any rate, to make it high and scarce in the market, the exploiters are turning to water-power possibilities with hearty hankering, and the people are turning with hope." "I'm afraid I'm getting hunks out of that report of yours, ahead of official time." "You're getting the principle underlying it and you're welcome."

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