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Updated: October 3, 2024

Case of common safe-cracking." "Do you think so?" said Harvey, adjusting his cuffs, and moving the strange tools with his foot. "If he wanted money, I should think he would have tackled the vault downstairs." Mallory stooped, and replaced the kit in the bag. Suddenly he said, "Raise your foot, Mr. West." Harvey did so, and the detective arose with a dirty paper in his hand.

But he must have kept at it until we have the wreck that we see here," and Kennedy kicked the safe with his foot as he finished. Blake was all attention by this time, while Maloney gasped, "If I was in the safe-cracking business, I'd make you the head of the firm." "And now," said Craig, "let us go back to New York and see if we can find Mrs. Branford."

"I'm glad you're honest," I said, "or else we might be afraid of you perhaps even make you prove an alibi for last night's job!" He ignored my bantering and said in a tone such as he might have used before a class of students in the gentle art of scientific safe-cracking: "Now if the power company's curve is just the same to-night as last night, that will show how the thing was done.

He probably has a wider acquaintance among the big criminals than any other man in the city. From him crooks can obtain anything from a jimmy to a safe-cracking outfit. I know that this man has been trying to dispose of some unmounted pearls to-day among jewellers in Maiden Lane. I'll bet he has been disposing of some of the Branford pearls, one by one. I'll follow that up.

When he strolled away to talk with some friends Estelle told "the rest" that was "nothing." The championship secure, Joe had paid all Terry's bills, had supported Terry and his wife for a year, had relapsed into old habits and "pulled off a job" of safe-cracking because, the prize-fighting happening to pay poorly, he would have had a default on the payments for a month or so.

"You know," continued the police officer, "there is one particular 'fence' who runs his business under the guise of a loan-shark's office. He probably has a wider acquaintance among the big criminals than any other man in the city. From him crooks can obtain anything from a jimmy to a safe-cracking outfit.

But he must have kept at it until we have the wreck that we see here," and Kennedy kicked the safe with his foot as he finished. Blake was all attention by this time, while Maloney gasped, "If I was in the safe-cracking business, I'd make you the head of the firm." "And now," said Craig, "let us go back to New York and see if we can find Mrs. Branford."

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