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"My brother-in-law tells me that he is quite solvent." "It was just like him to say so the selfish fellow! I am sorry to say that my brother has lost heavily by speculating in jute and is, in fact, a ruined man. If you don't believe me, ask Hari Babu again and you will see what tune he sings. Perhaps you don't know that he has called in his loan of Rs. 20,000?"

Gopál has house property in Calcutta, I believe?" "To be sure he has. There is his new house at Entally, which must have cost Rs. 20,000; and another in Barabazar, letting at Rs. 3,000. Just calculate what this property must be worth. If I doubted Gopál's solvency, do you suppose I would have lent him Rs. 20,000 on his note of hand?" Shám Babu was quite reassured.

Great stress was laid upon acquiring a good clear, decisive and loud word of command. There is nothing that will galvanize a Highland Battalion into action like a sharp word of command with the "rs" well sounded.

An official regulation of prices is posted conspicuously in the bungalow: For room and charpoy, Rs 1; dinner, Rs 1-8; chota-hazari, Rs 1, and so on through the scale. The prices are moderate enough, even when it is considered that a dinner consists of a crow-like chicken, curried rice, and unleavened chuppatties.

Far better two or three hours of the 'three Rs' and six of the shop or workyard. The Leonites from their earliest days were greedy to gain knowledge as the modern Greeks and Bulgarians; but the motive was not exalted.

W. Jackson said: Look here, Tremearne, don't pay that Rs. 300 a month. A case was then sent to the Advocate-General, and he held that the Municipality were exceeding their powers in levying such a charge. Sir Henry Harrison, the Chairman of the Municipality, was very angry when the opinion was sent him, and a case was sent to the Standing Counsel, Mr.

His star continued to be in the eleventh heaven; for this was one of a series of profitable purchases. In seven or eight years he owned estates yielding an income of Rs. 8,000, while his dealings in grain produced half as much again. Samarendra's ambition rose with growing prosperity.

Let us now glance at the cash effects of the measure on the finances of the Government and the prosperity of the people; and in doing so I shall, to aid the comprehension of the English reader who knows nothing of lakhs, or crores, or Rs. x, state the figure in pounds sterling, treating the rupee at its old value of 2s.

The above figures show that The export trade is Rs. x 111,179,196 The import trade is Rs. x 84,155,045 Net excess exports of total trade Rs. x 27,305,233

Amarendra Babu had resolved to marry his son in a style which, sooth to say, was far above his means, hoping to recoup himself from the large cash payment which he expected from Kumodini Babu. On his side the latter had consulted relatives as to the proper dowry. Thus Kumodini Babu provided Rs. 4,001 and imagined that he was acting generously. At 7.30 P.M. the bridegroom's procession was formed.