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The servant hesitated, and then said in a low voice: "As a gentleman, you must have seen I'm no groom and think how it must gall me to serve as one." "Thou shouldst have thought of that before thou indentured, rather " "I know," burst out the man, "but I was crazed was wild with with a grief that had come to me, and knew not what I was doing." "Fudge! No romantics.

One may tour every corner of the earth and still be a respectable Pharisee. One may never move a dozen miles from the village of his birth and yet be of the happy company of romantics. Jeff could find in a sunset, in a stretch of windswept plain, in the sight of water through leafless trees, something that filled his heart with emotion.

I feel it is a program I owe to humanity. And in addition, I am growing weary of myself." Dorn shook his head. "Romantics, friend. I do not argue against them." "I wonder," von Stinnes continued, "if you realize I am a scoundrel. I have thought at times that you did, because of the way you smile when I talk." "Scoundrels are creatures I do not like. And I like you.

Nearly all Mediterranean races have been misfed from early days; that is why they are so small. I would undertake to raise the Italian standard of height by several inches, if I had control of their nutrition for a few centuries. I would undertake to alter their whole outlook upon life, to convert them from utilitarians into romantics were such a change desirable.

What ever they were, they were not the works of great masters, where the secret of clear thought and exact expression can be found. Since the age of five I have been a great reader, as is not perhaps wonderful in a child who was never aware of learning to read. At ten years of age I had read much of Victor Hugo and other romantics.

'We are a pair of Romantics out of date, you and I, she had said once to David, half mocking, half in earnest, and the phrase fitted the relation and position of the pair very nearly.

Warily, back at the shop, the Bunch told Paul what had happened. For once his pale eyes flashed. "You Bright Boys," he said. "Especially you, Ramos...! Well, I'm most to blame. I let him hang around, because he was so doggone interested. And driven somehow. Lucky nothing too bad happened. Last August, when you romantics got serious about space, I made him prove he was over twenty-one..."

It was with Verlaine and his successors that French verse completely broke away from the control of those classical rules, the infallibility of which had been first attacked by the Romantics.

The Royalists are 'Romantics, the Liberals are 'Classics. The divergence of taste in matters literary and divergence of political opinion coincide; and the result is a war with weapons of every sort, double-edged witticisms, subtle calumnies and nicknames a outrance, between the rising and the waning glory, and ink is shed in torrents.

It was in vain that he studied Condillac and modelled his style on the Code; in vain that he sang the praises of la lo-gique, shrugged his shoulders at the Romantics, and turned the cold eye of a scientific investigator upon the phenomena of life; he remained essentially a man of feeling.