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Next fold over about three fingers' width of the dough. Brush the upper surface of this fold with melted butter and strew with mixed fruit and almonds. Fold over again and repeat the operation until the whole of the dough is folded up in layer somewhat resembling a flattened, roley poley pudding.

I think she was naturally more inclined to Mrs Forrester's side, but a desire of proving herself a worthy sister to Miss Jenkyns kept her equally balanced Miss Jenkyns, who would never allow a servant to call the little rolls of tallow that formed themselves round candles "winding-sheets," but insisted on their being spoken of as "roley- poleys!" A sister of hers to be superstitious!

The country is now stiff, and the stride of the waler tells. He is leading the country-breds a 'whacker, but he stumbles and falls at the last fence but one from home. His gallant rider, the undaunted 'Roley, remounts just as the two country-breds pass him like a flash of light. 'Nothing venture, nothing win, however, so in go the spurs, and off darts the waler like an arrow in pursuit.

This game is very similar to Roley Boley or Nigger Baby except that hats are used instead of hollows in the ground. The ball is tossed to the hats and the first boy to get five stones, or "babies," in his hat has to crawl through the legs of his opponents and submit to the punishment of being paddled.

Stir this all together in one direction until quite thick and then stir in the beaten whites to which you must add two ounces of sifted flour and one-quarter of a pound of melted butter. Fill the tartlets and bake. The poppy seed filling in Mohn Roley Poley may be used in the Mohn Wachtel if so desired.

Whether we tell or not depends on your later life, he went on, addressing the servants. 'If you are decent to us we'll be decent to you. You'd better make that treacle roley and if I were you, Eliza, I'd do a little housework and cleaning, just for a change. The servants gave in once and for all.

One, inspecting him through an eyeglass on a woven hair guard, expressed a pointed surprise at Jasper Penny's informal garb. "Christoval!" he ejaculated. "It approaches an insult to the da-da-darlings." Another commenced to sing a popular minstrel air: "Blink a ho dink! Ah! Ho! "Roley Boley Good morning Ladies all!" Jasper Penny abruptly descended to a small room used for smoking.

We aren't going to stand it. We know too much. You'll please make an extra special treacle roley for dinner, and we'll have a tinned tongue. 'I daresay, said the housemaid, indignant, still in her outdoor things and with her hat very much on one side. 'Don't you come a-threatening me, Master Cyril, because I won't stand it, so I tell you. You tell your ma about us being out? Much I care!

When he comes out on the other end, he is a little roley poley boy, smaller and fatter than any of the others, and dressed in white with red trimmings. All the others join hands with him in a circle, and they swing around gleefully. Now for a game of "Follow my leader," shouts WALTER. I'll be leader; come after me.