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"No, I am quite sure it has not been seen in my dominions. Would you mind asking, as you go through the world, for news of my little daughter?" Find her, worthy Bobo, and an immense reward will be yours." So Bobo left the proud city of Zizz, and once again rode over the hills and far away. But never a sign of the lost half-hour did he find, although he asked thousands of people.

"If I were you, I would not go to Brussels," she said, after another long period of silence, in which she painfully sought for means to dissuade him from entering the city. She was. thinking of the big reward for his capture and of the greedy officials who could not be denied. "Do you think I am afraid of the consequences?" he asked, bitterly.

The lives of daily crucifixion without hope of reward are abundant all about you you all know them. And if once you exploit these actual sublimities of human nature of the man in the street no tale of devotion in Holy Writ will ever again move you as these do.

They advance to the attack with the greatest impetuosity, and a feast upon snake is the usual reward of exceptional bravery. "Jeff" was a confirmed lover of good eating, and in time paid the usual penalty for over-indulgence of his very piggish appetite.

"Well, that encouraged her, for there ain't much harm in a larfin' man; it's only them that never larf that's fearfulsome. So sais she 'My good man, will you he so kind as to lend me your arm down this awful peak, and I will reward you handsomely, you may depend.

Using the glass by turns, the lads kept eager watch for the white women whom Waldo stubbornly persisted were within the town; but hour after hour passed without the desired reward, and Bruno began to doubt whether there was any such vision to be won. "The sun was in your eyes, and you let mad fancy run away with your better judgment, boy," he decided, at length. "If not, why what now?"

"My heart is full," he writes then to his uncle Suckling, speaking not only of Bastia, but of the entire course of operations in Corsica, "when I think of the treatment I have received: every man who had any considerable share in the reduction has got some place or other I, only I, am without reward.... Nothing but my anxious endeavour to serve my Country makes me bear up against it; but I sometimes am ready to give all up."

They said they were all happy; that they had lived more than a century, and expected to live many centuries more; and that the intimate knowledge which they possessed of all nature was communicated to them by God himself as a reward for their piety and utter devotion to his service. Those were in error who derived their name from a cross of roses, or called them drunkards.

A full account of all that happened was sent to England to Mr. Harvey, their landlord, and a few posts afterwards there came a letter from him, containing a dismissal of the dishonest agent, and a reward for the honest and industrious orphans. Mr.

"Wait for the harvest and then you will reap the reward of your sowing to the Spirit. Think of that when you do good and the ingratitude of men will not stop you from doing good." As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.