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But after the horsemen passed the point that led to the Star trail, a new anxiety seized Rogers and a passion that sent the blood to his face swept over him. His eyes were glowing with an excitement that he could not repress when he turned to Colver. "Somethin's up!" he snapped. "Deveny's been sullen as hell for a good many days ever since Harlan came to the Star.

The untouched basins were still standing beside me in a row, the one which had been served first now commencing to emit distinct signs of its staleness. The door opened, but I ignored it. In fact I was in a semi-comatose condition. "Rouse! Get up!" growled the head gaoler. I struggled to a sitting posture and looked up. Standing beside me was a military officer. I could not repress a start.

But we are undertaking to repress and to curb Russian aggression. These are catching words; they have been amplified in newspapers, and have passed from mouth to mouth, and have served to blind the eyes of multitudes wholly ignorant of the details of this question. If Turkey has been in danger from the side of Russia heretofore, will she not be in far greater danger when the war is over?

The little civilisation they had was very superficial, and did not go nearly deep enough to repress the instinct of cruelty. Another and another lash, and the fellow's howls, yells, and cries for pity were hardly human, but seemed rather those of some powerful spirit in pain. Harry felt quite faint and sick, and looked down so as not to see what was going on.

He refused to summon aid which might be superfluous; neither would he do anything but what his liege-lord had directed. And yet he could not wholly repress a misgiving. A shadow had fallen on his heart, great and cheerful as it was. The anticipations of his friends disturbed him, in spite of the face with which he met them.

He felt barely able to repress his disappointment, as he was again compelled to devise some other plan. For once he had been frustrated in his design, and he felt it keenly. But he determined to risk a look at all hazards. The aperture was completed; Kent raised his head and peered in and betrayed himself.

This licentious exhibition of popular feeling Ivan affected to repress, and, availing himself of the opportunity it afforded to assume toward the Novgorodians a moderation he did not feel, he pretended to protect them against any greater violence than was merely necessary to establish his right to the recovery of the domains of which they had despoiled him, and the payment of the ransom that was customary under such circumstances.

'It was after he had been bled that he seemed to wake up. He could not speak or move, but he looked at me or I don't know what I should have done. The last words were almost inaudible from the gush of tears that he vainly struggled to repress, and he was turning away to hide them, when he saw that Mrs. Edmonstone's were flowing fast.

In closing this communication I ought not to repress a sensibility, in which you will unite, to the happy lot of our country and to the goodness of a superintending Providence, to which we are indebted for it.

Nine years after the accession of Henry the Sixth the Duke of Gloucester was traversing England with men-at-arms to repress the risings of the Lollards and hinder the circulation of their invectives against the clergy.