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I have decided not to speak on politics; and I must suppress every detail connected with the state trials. I shall merely observe that, after being subjected for successive hours to the harassing process, I retired in a frame of mind so excited, and so enraged, that I should assuredly have taken my own life, had not the voice of religion, and the recollection of my parents restrained my hand.

That this is the correct interpretation of the patristic utterances regarding property and natural law appears from the following passage of The Divine Institution of Lactantius 'the most explicit statement bearing on the Christian idea of property in the first four centuries': "They preferred to live content with a simple mode of life," as Cicero relates in his poems; and this is peculiar to our religion.

On the contrary, our demeanour through the rest of the day ought to be, not sullen certainly, or morose, but serious and tending to instruction. Give to the world one half of the Sunday, and you will find that religion has no strong hold of the other.

The priests use a Chinese version, the laity no version at all nowadays, though to judge from the allusions scattered up and down Japanese literature they would seem to have been more given to searching the Scriptures a few hundred years ago. The Buddhist religion was disestablished and disendowed during the years 1871-4 a step taken in consequence of the temporary ascendency of Shinto.

Another synod held in 1552 continued the work of reform. Its references to the question of marriage and to the non-attendance of the people at their religious duties seem to indicate that religion was not then in a flourishing condition.

To compose his manuscript against God, against all religion, against the Bible and the Church, he had no other assistance than the Bible itself, Moreri Montaigne, and a few fathers.

We hear a great deal about your father, you know, from Mr. Fulkerson." "Oh, I hope you don't believe everything Mr. Fulkerson says about people," Mela cried. "He's the greatest person for carrying on when he gets going I ever saw. It makes Christine just as mad when him and mother gets to talking about religion; she says she knows he don't care anything more about it than the man in the moon.

"I am talking from Robert Elsmere's standpoint," answered Grace, evasively. "My sympathy is with Catherine, for to her, religion was a living answer to her deepest needs and feelings, and to doubt that answer was nothing less than sacrilege," said Kate, with a bright red spot on either cheek.

There, Charles, I am at the end of my thread." GRANDY. "And very well you have spun it, George; but as you have not informed us on the subject of the religion of these islanders, I presume it is unknown to you.

"When the enemy are really ready, the fighting will be desperate. 'Tis true that the Vendeans have a good cause they fight for their religion and their freedom, while the enemy will fight only because they are ordered to do so.