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"A home!" said the old lady, and strangely enough, she seemed more agitated than when she had spoken of Reka Dom "It should have begun with a broken home, but it shall not. It should end with a united home, God willing. A home! I must begin with a far-away one, a strange one, on the summit of high cliffs, the home of fearless, powerful creatures, white-winged like angels."

Finally, on March 10, a smaller islet called Reka appeared next to Nea Kameni, and since then, these three islets have fused to form one single, selfsame island." "What about this channel we're in right now?" I asked. "Here it is," Captain Nemo replied, showing me a chart of the Greek Islands. "You observe that I've entered the new islets in their place." "But will this channel fill up one day?"

It was a fat old French edition, interleaved for notes. The notes were my father's, and in English, which was of some assistance, and I set myself resolutely to learn the alphabet. But my progress was slow, and at last I got my father to write Reka Dom for me in Russian character, as I had determined to master these few letters first and then proceed.

"And he did not seem to derive proportionate comfort from my reply. "'But, father dear, you know you needn't keep it in order, and then we can have it to play in. "And yet we took Reka Dom. "The fact is that my father and I took a fancy to the place. On my side this is easily to be accounted for. To explore the garden was like a tour in fairy land. It was oddly laid out.

Years had gone by since I first took up the fat grammar, but I had acquired little since that time beyond the familiar characters of the well-beloved name, Reka Dom. "The country town that circumstances had now made our home possessed at least one attraction for us. It was here that our old friends the Misses Brooke had settled when their brother's death broke up the quiet little household.

His own handwriting was excellent, and he knew all the styles, Arab, Deewanee, Persian, Reka, &c. What keeps him mostly in my mind, was the delight with which he entered into, and illustrated, the proverbs at the end of M. Joubert's grammar, which the secretary of the Russian Consul-general had lent him.

"It was a happy moment when my father came back from this interview, and Reka Dom was fairly ours. But a more delightful one was that in which I told the successful result of my embassy to the nursery conclave. I certainly had not the remotest claim to credit in the matter, but I received an ovation proportionate to the good news I brought.

"It was not a fancy. There was no mistaking the inscription this time. I had learnt it too thoroughly written it too often loved it too well it was Reka Dom. "For a moment I sat in blind astonishment. Then the truth suddenly flashed upon me. The merchant's name was the name of our predecessors at Reka Dom.

I had seen letters cut on stone, and was confident that with a chisel and hammer nothing could be easier. These the nursery tool-box furnished. I wrote out an elaborate inscription headed by Reka Dom in Russian characters, and we got a stone and set to work. The task, however, was harder than we had supposed.

As for me, I thought of Reka Dom. "We had had many homes, but that was the home par excellence the beloved of my father, the beloved of us all. And as the clear voice sang the refrain, which sounded in some of our ears like a tender cry of recall to past happiness, 'Home Home sweet, sweet Home! I stroked Miss Martha's knee in silent sympathy, and saw Reka Dom before my eyes.