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It's a nice situation a lovely view lovely! and he had turned round to the river, but I caught his arm. "'Father, dear, no one lives here. Look! and I pointed to a board beyond the gateway, which stated in plain English that the house was to let. "By the time that we returned to my mother, Reka Dom was to all intents and purposes our home.

"The blue-stoned ring was cut down to fit my finger, and was, by my desire, my betrothal ring, and I gave Ivan another instead of it. Inside his was engraven the inscription we had cut upon his tombstone at Reka Dom, It was a long story, and Nurse had been waiting some little time in the old lady's kitchen when it came to an end. "And is Ivan ?" Ida hesitatingly began. "Dead.

"Won't you tell me any more?" Ida asked. "No, my dear. Not now, at any rate. Remember I am old, and have outlived almost all of those I loved in my youth. It is right and natural that death should be sad in your eyes, my child, and I will not make a tragedy of the story of Reka Dom. "Then your real name," said Ida, as she gave the old lady a farewell kiss, "is " "Mary Smith, my dear," said Mrs.

But they treat their friends as we used to treat our flowers at Reka Dom! They are always taking them up to see how they are going on, and I like to vegetate in peace. "I could not have criticized my dear and respected old friends so freely; but yet I knew that Fatima only spoke the truth. "The subject was unexpectedly renewed at dinner.

From the crater of the islet George, which attained a height of 150 feet, some stones several cubic yards in bulk were projected to a great distance. One of them falling on board of a merchant vessel, killed the captain and set fire to the ship. By the 10th of March the eruptions had partially subsided, but were then renewed, and a third island, which was named Reka, rose alongside of Aphroessa.

"I understood then, and have never wondered since, how it was that the Misses Brooke braved the gossip of the neighbourhood, and followed their brother's body to the grave. "These good people were, as I have said, our chief friends; but Reka Dom itself afforded us ample amusement. The six children who had lived there before us were a source of unfailing interest.

"The announcement was received with delight, and no doubt was ever expressed as to the genuineness of the answers which I regularly supplied, written, by the by, in excellent English, but with Reka Dom neatly effected in Russian characters on the note-paper.

And bless the good godmother! to crown all, there were two old tea-chests and a bottomless barrel in the yard. "Doubtless many causes influenced my father in his leaning towards Reka Dom, and he did not confide them to me. But I do truly believe that first and foremost of the attractions was its name.