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Trustees 1st Ward John B. Wigman, Charles Bradburn. 2d Ward William H. Sholl, James Gardner. 3d Ward Christopher Mollen, Robert Reilley. 4th Ward Henry Everett, Richard C. Parsons. 5th Ward Chauncey Tice, Mathew S. Cotterell. 6th Ward Bolivar Butts, John A. Bishop. 7th Ward W. C. B. Richardson, George W. Morrill. 8th Ward A. C. Messenger, Charles W. Palmer. 9th Ward Wells Porter, Albert Powell. 10th Ward Plimmon C. Bennett, I. U. Masters. 11th Ward Edward Russell, Frederick Sillbers.

Why, Russ is just across the hall, and it was only the other day you were saying how strong and manly he was. Have you forgotten?" "No," answered Ruth, in a low voice, and again the blush suffused her cheeks. "Then don't be a silly. I'm not going down and ask Mrs. Reilley to 'phone for the police. That would cause excitement indeed.

"Did you hear where Sam wants to play?" asked Tom. "No," answered his chums. "Come on now, boys, line up!" called the captain. "We'll play a scrub game. Hecker, Miller, Jones, Reilley, you'll be on the scrub for a while," and Morse called on other names to make an eleven. "Regular team over here!" went on the young captain "that is what's left of 'em. Tom Fairfield, you'll be left half, I guess.

At first he could not write or read, and I could only afford to pay him one hundred dollars a month; but he was taught to read and write by Reilley, our bank-teller, when his services became worth two hundred and fifty dollars a month, which enabled him to buy his own freedom and that of his brother and his family."