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He was indomitably cheerful under hardships and difficulties and entirely indifferent to his own personal safety or comfort. He so won the esteem and regard of the regiment that he was one of the three men we made honorary members of the regiment's association. We gave him the same medal worn by our own members.

"Your father's the regiment's Lieutenant Winslow 'of ours. Suppose we had brought him back in a state to need a surgeon's help; and without a word to any one he should get up and walk out of the hospital with his hurts not healed, and no one knew why, or where he had gone? There would be a stir about it, would there not?

But I'll not try to cover it for the regiment's good name. He will get the full measure of the law!" "The placard is a good idea," suggested an officer. "Yes, put on by one of his comrades!" "The punishment of public opinion. It shows how sound the army is at heart." Hugo, lowering his glance, was able to see a sheet of note-paper pinned to his blouse.

Imperturbable under danger; certain of his own immediate immunity from death; confident of his regiment's invincibility; with a deep-rooted love of home and an unalterable belief in the might and right of Britain there is Tommy Atkins. Looking back from the vantage point of nearly two years, it seems to me that we were somewhat like young unbroken colts.

The first day I accomplished a distance equal to the regiment's first two days' marches. The next day I completed two more, and was handsomely treated by an indigo-planter, in the district of Tirhoot, where their liberality is noted. I sent on my things, the next morning, twenty miles, and desired that they might be conveyed twenty more, should I not reach them that night.

The lugubrious prospect saddened them. They felt that a battle should be ordered on their account. "You will take that regiment's place and it will fall back for support, while you storm the knoll beyond!" said the brigade commander, a twinkle in his eye. "Is it much of a job, do you think?" asked the colonel of the Braves. He had two fingers' length of service colors on his blouse.

Mounted orderlies dash hurriedly, with hideous clatter of sabre and equipments, across the line of march, through the very regiment's ranks, answering with a disdainful oath or mocking gibe when an outraged shoulder-strap raised a remonstrating voice. At Fourteenth Street the Caribees were halted until the colonel could take his bearings from headquarters, just around the corner.

Lady Auriol and Charles saw us off at the station. "It's all very well for your new brigade, sir," said the latter when the train was just coming into the station. "They're in luck. But the regiment's in the soup." He wanted to discuss the matter, but with, elderly tact I drew the young man aside, so that the romantic pair should have a decent leave-taking.

Maybe it was chance that the place wasn't bombed again till two days ago, when that troop-train had to spend such a lot of time getting shunted at the junction. Maybe it was chance that the church, over across the street, hadn't been touched since the last drive, till our regiment's wounded were put in it and that it's been hit three times since then.

This is a fact, and therefore comparable with the anecdote which tells that a military bandmaster demanded the return of a set of teeth supplied at the regiment's expense to a cornet player who had been granted his discharge. Seas swamped a small cutter as she was beating across the bar of a Northern river.