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He, who considered himself, and not without reason, a gentleman, must defer to the inchoate, unreasoning, unrelenting, and barbaric point of view of men and women who hadn't sense enough to pound sand in a rat-hole or breeding enough to display a reasonable amount of skill in the manipulation of a knife and fork. Public opinion! Bah!

"I love Mme. de Bargeton; perhaps in a few days she will be mine, yet here I live in this rat-hole!" he said to himself this evening, as he went down the narrow passage into the little yard behind the shop.

The sun went down and the big she-rabbit came out. "Now I am going to eat you," it said, "as I ate all the others. I am hungry, very hungry," and it prodded me about with its nose and rolled me over. At last with a little squeal it drove its big yellow teeth into me behind. Oh! how they hurt! I was near the rat-hole. I rushed at it, scrabbling and wriggling.

Norris won't house anyone in that rat-hole." An immense relief shone in Robin's face. She knew Dale had not done the "low-down trick." She wished she had made Norris believe it! "About the toy " Dale went on, soberly. "Maybe in the end it'll be a good thing for me that Norris turned it down.

Adam had got off his chopping-block, and was listening with pursed lips and something of the expression of a terrier at a rat-hole. "Yes, you go, Rufus!" he said, as Mrs. Peck paused. "You show him round! I'd like him to know you." "What for?" said Rufus. Adam contorted one side of his face into something that was between a wink and a grin. "Do you good to go into society," he said.

"Sire," faltered Count Munster, "I do not comprehend this palace " "Is not even fit to be a gallows, for it drops those who have been hung in it," exclaimed Napoleon, vehemently. "It is an accursed place, and the air in it as sultry and oppressive as in a rat-hole. Have the carriages brought to the door. Let us depart!"

She tried the little golden key in the lock, and, to her great delight, it fitted. Alice opened the door, and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole. She knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw.

" a breathless "Yes-s" those two small faces reminded him much of terriers watching a rat-hole "there was a hobo." He thought hard. "He was a very dirty old hobo he never used to wash his face. He was walking along the road one day when he heard a little wee voice call out 'Hey!. He looked down and he saw an empty tomato-can on a rubbish heap.

Hosts of supernumerary inhabitants were found foisted into the huge edifice; every rat-hole had its occupant; and places which had been considered as tenanted only by spiders were found crowded with a surreptitious population.

The table was still upon the floor, with the three legs piled upon it, while the fourth one was missing. But Harold found it at last; for, remembering what Jerrie had said of the rat-hole, he investigated that spot, and from its enlarged appearance drew his own conclusion.