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When he asked her for my hand, she was no longer able to command her passions she raked up every injury which the rival families had inflicted upon each other during a bloody feud of two centuries heaped him with epithets of scorn, and rejected his proposal of alliance, as if it had come from the basest of mankind.

Taking up a position ahead or astern of a hostile ship so as to be able to rake her was not facilitated by originally superior speed so much as by the more damaged state of the ship to be raked raking, as a rule, occurring rather late in an action. A remarkable result of long experience of war made itself clearly apparent in the era of Trafalgar.

Lynde was plunging for effect. He lost a thousand and fifty dollars at one clip. "Oh, all that good money!" exclaimed Aileen, mock-pathetically, as the croupier raked it in. "Never mind, we'll get it back," exclaimed Lynde, throwing two one-thousand-dollar bills to the cashier. "Give me gold for those." The man gave him a double handful, which he put down between Aileen's white arms.

"In fact, about five o'clock in the afternoon crowds were formed in the streets, directed by leaders, and amongst these leaders were two hide-tanners, whom the gendarmes arrested with promptitude. The crowd, thus raked together, then began to hoot at and insult the gendarmes, and at last attempted to rescue the prisoners.

He then brought up three folding tables and proceeded to set them up, next bringing on campstools. Dr. Bentley had overlooked nothing. Last of all paper lanterns were strung from the trees, and just at dark these were lighted. Potatoes were set to boil in a kettle. Embers were raked down and corn still in the husks was set in the embers and covered up to roast.

She reached home about one o'clock, and after having sat musing for a time over the fire, which was raked for the night that is, covered over with greeshaugh, or living ashes she was preparing to sleep in her humble bed, behind a little partition wall about five feet high, at the lower end of the cabin, when her father, who had been moaning, and staring, and uttering abrupt exclamations in his sleep, at length rose up, and began deliberately to dress himself, as if with an intention of going out.

"That is what I meant to say." "Come. One good turn deserves another. What about this?" She nodded toward the dead cow. "I have not seen a thing I ought not to have seen." "Didn't you see me blot a brand on that calf?" He shook his head. "Can't recall it at all, Miss Lee." Swiftly her keen glance raked him again.

Kenny struck his head fiercely with his hand, raked his hair in the old familiar gesture and roamed turbulently around the room with the will in his hand. He was conscious of that dangerous alertness in his brain that with him always presaged some unusual clarity of vision, a startling speed with the adding of two and two. Four came now with bewildering conviction.

There was no need to aim the blow, they were so many. Like a huddled mob of cattle they turned and fled down Nile. But my orders had reached the vanguard and these, hidden in the growing crops on the narrow neck of swampy land between the hills and the Nile, met them with arrows as they came, also raked them from the steep cliff side.

Mast raked very much, mainsail very square at the head, sails made with split cloth and all new; had two long brass twelve pounders and a large gun on a pivot amidships, and about seventy men, who appeared to be chiefly Spaniards and mulattoes.