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He said unto himself. 'This man is by birth a Brahmana. He is, again a friend of the high-souled Rajadharman. He has been sent to me by that son of Kasyapa. I must do what is agreeable to my friend. He is very intimate with me. Indeed, he is my brother, and a dear relative. He is truly a friend of my heart.

Having received my worship according to the rites laid down in the scriptures, thou mayst go whither thou wilt tomorrow morning."" "'Bhishma said, "Hearing these sweet words, Gautama became filled with wonder. Feeling at the same time a great curiosity, he eyed Rajadharman without being able to withdraw his gaze from him. Possessed of great merits, thou art my guest today.

My mind, therefore, is not in peace. Let my friend be enquired after. Gautama, who came here, is without Vedic studies and destitute of Brahmanic splendour. He has found his way to the abode of my friend. I greatly fear, that worst of Brahmanas has slain Rajadharman. Of evil practices and wicked understanding, I read him through by the signs he showed.

Sport ye as ye wish, and then go away with speed. The Brahmanas then, leaving that spot, went away in all directions with great speed. Gautama also, having taken up a heavy quantity of gold without any loss of time, went away. He sat himself down, fatigued, toil worn, and hungry. While Gautama was resting there, that best of birds viz., Rajadharman, O king, came there.

Without compassion, of cruel and grim visage, and wicked, that vilest of men is like a robber. That Gautama has gone to the abode of my friend. For this reason, my heart has become extremely anxious. O son, proceeding hence with great speed to the abode of Rajadharman, ascertain whether that pure-souled bird is still alive.

The Rakshasas had not to go far when they succeeded in catching the Brahmana and discovering the body of Rajadharman destitute of wings, bones, and feet. Taking the captive with them, the Rakshasas returned with great speed to Meruvraja, and showed the king the mutilated body of Rajadharman, and that ungrateful and sinning wretch, viz., Gautama.

Do not tarry. Thus addressed by his sire, the prince, accompanied by other Rakshasas, proceeded with great speed. Arrived at the foot of that banian, he saw the remains of Rajadharman. Weeping with grief, the son of the intelligent king of the Rakshasas, ran with great speed and to the utmost of his power, for seizing Gautama.

When the resplendent luminary entered his chambers in the west and the evening twilight came, a bird that was the foremost of his species, returned to that spot, which was his home, from the regions of Brahman. His name was Nadijangha and he was a dear friend of the creator. He was also known extensively on earth by the name of Rajadharman.

The next day, the Rakshasa king, Virupaksha, addressing his son, said, 'Alas, O son, I do not behold Rajadharman, that best of birds, today. Every morning he repairs to the regions of Brahman for adoring the Grandsire. While returning, he never goes home without paying me a visit. These two mornings and two nights have passed away without his having come to my abode.

Exhausted with hunger and thirst, the Brahmana began to cast his eyes on the bird from desire of slaying him. ""Rajadharman said, 'Welcome, O Brahmana! By good luck have I got thee today in my abode. The sun is set. The evening twilight is come. Having come to my abode, thou art today my dear and excellent guest.