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"At a few thousand feet, the engine-exhaust through those radiators won't be any too much. Forward!" He slid open another door. The three men passed through the captain's cabin and pilot-house.

There was no steam on in the radiators, of course; when they implored the portier for at least a lamp to warm their hands by he turned on all the electric lights without raising the temperature in the slightest degree.

Waterford had removed the stained-glass window-lights in the front door, deftly hidden the highly ornamental steam radiators, and made other eliminations and improvements, including the white bookshelves that still contained the lady's winter reading fifty or more yellow-and-green-backed French novels and plays.

Then the gasoline tanks were emptied, the radiators drained, and the cars put away in the garage. "I do hope we can do some motor boating down there," said Jack, with something like a return of his former interest. "We shall, I'm sure," said Bess. "'They say it is ideal for the sport there." Inez had sent word to her father that an attempt would be made to free him.

Several more oil lamps are in the bulkheads or walls. They are used when steam is down and the dynamo is not running. The furniture and fittings are completed by a comfortable-looking, well-padded armchair, a couple of steam radiators of polished, perforated brass for warming purposes when the ship is at sea, a red and blue carpet, curtains, a letter rack and notice board, and the stove.

"In these colossal chambers the phosphorescent light from enormous radiators beats incessantly through and through the slowly, oscillating, vibrating, revolving soul matter. And here the process of individualization is achieved. A soul, or many souls, are separated from the great tide, by flashing, under the bombardment of the phosphorescent blaze into shining forms.

Then he flung open his rough pea-jacket and pushed his cap back from his lined forehead. "Gee, it's hot!" The lumberman was standing at Bull's side, and his deep-set eyes were following the other's gaze with twinkling satisfaction. Bull nodded and moved away. "Yep," he ejaculated. "It should be good for us." He passed over to the radiators and shut them off.

She had to be broken in to elevators, electric switches, hot and cold faucets, radiators. "No apartment ever built could cover all the requirements," Fanny confided to Fenger, after the first harrowing week. "What they really need is a combination palace, houseboat, sanatorium, and creche." "Look here," said Fenger. "If I can help, why " a sudden thought struck him.

All the oxygen will follow. They're already having their domestic-service apparatus manufactured their cold-pipe radiators, meters, evaporators and respirators. I tell you, comrades, this thing is close upon us, not as a theory, now, but as a terrible, an inconceivably ghastly reality!

But with the rigors and gloom and wretchedness of winter the charms of our suburban home were less apparent. The matter of heat became a serious question, and the memory of steam radiators was a haunting one. More than once the Little Woman was moved to refer to our "cosy little apartment" of the winter before.